Follow Your Heart Not Your Head

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Seeing her again with judging eyes made me even more angry then I already was. I mean what right does she have to judge me after she is the one who pushed me away? I was angry again. Which was a problem.

I look around the room and raise my hands "Well? WHO'S NEXT?"

The crowd cheers loudly and a man steps forward the same size and build as me, which meant he probably had the same speed, which was usually my advantage on people.

The sailors place their bets and the fight begins "FIGHT!"

We tip toe around the edge of the ring slowly coming together, when he suddenly launches forward landing two quick jabs to my face.

I shook it off, this guy was definitely fast, so I decided to use my strength, which I never use, it is always speed, so this would be interesting.

I basically charge at him and he tries to dodge but its too late, I tackle him to the floor and start beating the shit out of him, with every punch I see her face and my heart breaks again, so I punch harder. But the man doesn't give up, he wraps his legs around my neck and tries to choke me out, I just lift him and slam his body back into the ground knocking him out cold instantly.

The Sailors cheer like mad and I try and stand up, it was then I realised how bad the idea was, I had completely forgotten I still wasn't 100%. But with the hurt I had received from Dany I didn't care, well I cared now as it hurt as much as when it had first happened. My muscles felt like they were freezing up, but at least I had got to punch something...

I fall to my knees, my head is spinning and I can't feel my muscles, before I can fall on my face Davos grabs me as well as some sailors, they pick me up and take me to the chambers I was supposed to be in before I got injured.

The put me on the bed and the Sailors leave, Davos gets a rag and some water, and cleans off the blood and sweat on my face and chest.

"Thank you, Davos," I croak out

"Yeah well, if not me then who?" he responds and gets up to get some water, he passes me it and I manage to hold it, just.

After I have had enough, he puts it next to me and walks to the door.

"We will be docking in about 9-10 hours, get some rest and maybe if you get up in time, go see the Queen" He suggests closing the door before I give my answer.

The Queen. Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, Mother of Dragons, bluh... bluh...bluh... breaker of my heart.


I sat on my on the floor against my bed huddled against my knees when I hear a knock on my door. I reluctantly stand up and grab the handle but before I open it,

"Who is it?" I ask

"Its me Your Grace" Davos voice says

I open the door slowly and he smiles sadly at me "Can I come in? We need to talk."

I nod and move out the way for him to walk in, he sits down on one of the chairs at the table and points at the other one, I close the door and sit down.

"You have broken him Daenerys, now I don't know why you did it, I am sure you have you reasons, but tonight he was down there because his had too much anger inside him. Can I ask why you broke him?" He said gently

I look and him and take a deep breathe "Because Davos I love him, and I can't break his heart even more in the future before he falls too deeply in love with me."

Davos smirks a little bit "I am sorry your grace but you may be too late, he loves you with everything he has, I have never seen anything like it, and what you have done will forever effect both your lives unless you fix it"

"Davos I can't have children I am barren. He would never be able to live with me without children, he would grow bored of me and I don't blame him. I will not pull him into a relationship where he can't live happy" I say holding back my tears "No matter how much it hurts, that is the right thing to do"

Davos sighs "Jon joined the Nights Watch, he is a bastard, he has never wanted children for that reason alone, he swore off even having children when he joined the watch, he clearly doesn't care that much. Look Daenerys he loves you and I bet everything I have he would love to just be with you for the rest of his life, go ask him and tell me his answer is different. We may all be dead soon, so why not try and live? Follow your heart not your head, I guarantee you will not regret it."

I just sat there in silence processing all his words "But I broke him, its too late now, he promised he wouldn't come back, so why would he?"

"Because he loves you, and you love him, it's as simple as that" He said standing up and walking to the door, he opened it and looked back

"He is asleep right now, wounded, he needs you even if he doesn't admit it. Remember my words Your grace. Your heart not you head" And with that he was gone, closing the door behind him.

I sigh, my heart hurts, I need Jon I can't live without him anymore, I won't. It was wrong of me too just push him away, I should have asked him how he felt, I should have talked too him and now he is hurt again, not just physically, I shattered his heart. I stand up and walk out of my room. I reach his chambers and I take a deep breath and then

I knock.

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