Dragon Pit

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I heard a knock and Immediately I assumed it was Davos, I stood up reluctantly, I walked over forgetting I didn't have a shirt on and opened the door only to immediately shut it again.


"Why are you here?" I ask angrily

"Because I realize, I have made a mistake" I heard her whisper

I sigh heavily and hear her slide down the door, I slide down my side and put my head in my hands. She broke me. Why does she deserve to just come here and say I am sor-

"Jon, I lied." I heard her whimper

This had me curious "About what?"

"A lot of things...please let me in I need to talk to you, in person"

I sighed and stood up, I opened the door and because she was still leaning against it she fell backwards lying on the floor looking up at me with wide purple eyes. She looked like a little girl.

I couldn't resit the laugh as I helped her up, She walked past me and I closed the door, I turned and found her staring at my shirtless chest.

I caught her but she didn't look away, which surprised me, but she was still a Queen and a Queen does what she wants.

"Your Grace what did you lie about?" I say pouring myself some water, I saw her wince when I said 'Your Grace' which was weird, but I ignored it.

"I am really sorry Jon, its my fault, I pushed you away." She said not breaking eye contact with me

She stepped closer "I lied about my feelings towards you because I didn't want to break your heart in the future, I realised I was wrong to do that without talking to you and I am sorry"

I can tell she is beating around the bush, so I just straight up ask "What are your feelings for me?"

She takes a step closer "I-"

There was a knock on the door and Davos voice came through the door

"Your Grace we have docked, it is time for you to take your dragon, for the dramatic entrance."

She smiles at the door and then walks over and opens it, she takes a step out before looking back at me "See you in the pits"

I nod and she's gone closing the door behind her. So fucking close to finding out her feelings, was there any way she felt the same? She's My Queen and I am a Bastard why would she? She just wants to have a good alliance. Besides I promised I wouldn't go back to her.


I could see the Dragon pits and the people gathered there, I flew down smiling, Dragons were in Kings Landing again after 300 years. We landed and Drogon roared and lowered his shoulder, I slowly hoped off and walked to where everyone was waiting, I made eye contact with Jon and he gave me a reassuring look which I was grateful for. I sat down and placed my hands in my lap.

Cersei was glaring at me and I was trying very hard not to laugh

"We have been here for some time" She sneered

"My Apologies" I said trying very, very hard not to laugh at her annoyed face.

She looked at Tyrion who nodded and stood up walking into the middle

"We are all facing a unique-"

"Theon! I have your sister, if you don't submit to me here now, I'll kill her." Euron said

There was a bit of silence as everyone silently agreed he was an idiot, Tyrion looked at his brother and he just shrugged

"I think we ought to begin with larger concerns"

"Then why are you talking?" Euron asked standing up "You're the smallest concern here"

Tyrion looked at Theon "Do you remember when we discussed dwarf jokes?"

"His wasn't even good" Theon said

"He explained it, explaining it always ruins it" Tyrion says glaring at Euron

I am starting to get annoyed over this pointless bickering

"We don't even let your kind live on the Iron Island you know?" Euron sneered and leaned closer "We kill you at birth, an act of mercy for the parents"

"Perhaps you ought to sit down" Jamie almost yelled clearly not a fan of Euron, but who was?

"Why?" he said not taking his eyes of Tyrion

"Sit down, or leave" Cersei said, Euron gave one last glare at Tyrion before returning to his seat.

Tyrion walked back into the middle and looked at Cersei "We are a group of people who don't like each other, we have suffered at each other's benefits, we have lost people we love at each other's hands. If all we wanted was more of the same, we wouldn't be meeting here today, face to face."

"So, are you suggesting we settle all our differences and live together happily and in harmony for the rest of our days?"

Tyrion smirked "We all know that will never happen"

"Then why are we here?" Cersei sneered, I already hated her more then I thought I would.

Jon stood up and for some reason I felt like standing up next to him, I actually had to fight not to do it.

"This isn't about living in harmony, its about living. The same thing is coming for all of us, a general you can't negotiate with, an army that doesn't leave corpses behind on the battlefield" I look at Cersei to see her reaction, of course she wouldn't believe him yet, I just hoped she would eventually otherwise I lost my child for no reason. "Lord Tyrion tells me a million people live in this city, there are about to become a million more soldiers in the army of the dead"

"I imagine for most of them it would be a improvement" Cersei said with a smirk, she really was a terrible Queen. I couldn't wait to see her dead.

Jon walked closer and lowered his voice "This is serious, I wouldn't be here if it weren't"

"I don't think its serious at all, I think it's another bad joke. My brother Jamie told me you want a truce is this correct?" She looked towards me

"Yes. That's all" I reply not breaking eye contact until she did

"That's all? Pull back my armies and stand down while you go on your monster hunt or while you solidify your armies and expand your position, hard for me to tell with my armies pulled back. Until you return and march on my Capital with four times the men" Cersei and I just glared, and I spoke

"Your capital will be safe until the northern threat is dealt with. You have my word" I say knowing she still won't believe me.

"The word of a would-be usurper"

"Nothing can change the last fifty years. We have something to show you" Tyrion says changing the subject, and I am glad he did one more word out of her mouth then and I would have burned her alive.

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