The King

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"My lords and ladies!" Jon addressed after everyone had taken their seats.

Every eye turned in his direction and focused on Jon Snow. He took a deep breath.

"As you can see, I have returned with allies-"

"Allies?! You mean the foreign savages! Or the cockless! These men are not allies-"

"My Lord! Sit down!" Jon commanded. His tone more fierce then he had ever used against the lords and ladies. They seemed shocked to here it and the Lord who had interrupted quickly sat.

Jon took another deep breath. "As I was saying, I have brought allies, allies we need if we stand a chance in this war. I don't want to hear anything more on what type of men fill those armies, for as long as they are breathing...they are on our side."

The Lords look satisfied with that. Until Lady Sansa speaks up.

"What about the Dragon Queen? Why has she agreed to help us?" Sansa asks, if front of everyone.

Jon shoots her an icy look that she returns. "She agreed to help us because she has seen the army of the dead, she has-"

"Tell the truth!" Sansa interrupts. Jon gives her a look that she cannot return, instead looking away.

"She is here to help." Jon turns to Dany with a slight smile, her eyes giving away how worried she is. "I believe in her...that is why I bent the knee." Jon admits then sits back in his chair.

The room explodes with commotion, yelling, screaming insults and disagreements. All while Jon sits and takes them all, giving a cold stare at Sansa.

He feels a small warm hand slip into his left hand, he turns to Dany with a slight smile.

"Let me talk to them..." she whispers, Jon gives her a frown but she just ignores it and gives him her commanding stare.

Jon takes a deep breath and clears his throat. "Quiet!" Jon yells, raising his hand.

The room quiets down until only a few people are talking. "I have made the decision based on what I have seen. Now let Queen Daenerys talk.

Daenerys stands and straightens her white dress, she takes a deep breath and Jon watches, trying to fight off a smile at her bravery.

"My lords..." she looks at Lyanna and a slight smile at the Lady. "And Ladies...I know what you think of me...I know you compare me to my...father...but I am not him. Please don't treat me so. I am here to help, I swore to protect this realm and I intend to do so with my life. I was born in this land...but I did not grow up here, I may be a foreigner to you and honestly I understand why...but this is my land too and I am here to keep it safe from evil. Nothing more, nothing less." She says confidently, sitting down afterwords.

The room is stunned into silence, even Jon is stunned. Everyone is stunned...almost.

"You may not be your father...but your a Targaryen, you want the throne and you'll do anything to get it, you are only here to support the North because you want our support in taking your throne back afterwords, don't you?" Sansa questions.

The room becomes tense, the Lords and ladies murmur in agreement while Daenerys and Sansa stare each other into an early death. 

"My Lady...I want my throne back...yes. But I could have taken it when I came here, instead I am here, in the North, helping win your war because I know without my help, the realm is doomed." Daenerys argues.

"Do you listen to yourself? You think you are some sort of hero coming here? We don't need foreigners fighting our battles for us and we certainly don't need a Targaryen in our walls." Sansa argues back.

Jon watches the pain in Dany eyes flare then quickly disappear in a blink of her eye, changing to rage. "My Lady. If you don't want my help, I will leave you to fight the dead on your own and take the throne now. See whats left of you afterwords."

As soon as Dany said the words she regretted them, she had let Sansa rile her up so much that she said something she didn't mean. 

"Exactly! You don't really care about us! Just your throne!" Sansa yells, Jon watches the Northern people nod in agreement.

They went back and forth while Jon sat there, listening, unable to find the strength to do anything. After all, he had lived his entire life, sitting in the corner watching and listening, not daring to make himself present in case of being shut down or yelled at.

That's who he was...a Bastard...Jon Snow.

He felt the world move in slow motion as he looked at his sister, words coming from her mouth that he couldn't hear, he turned to Dany and watched her say some words back.

All the while Jon sat there.

That was until a voice rang throughout his head, a voice he loved.

"You are not a bastard to me, You are a King."

The words bounced back and forth through his mind, he remembered her words, words she spoke with confidence and honesty.

'I am a King.' He repeated to himself.

"You will never be our Queen-"

"ENOUGH!"  Jon's voice booms across the halls.

The room fell silent in shock and fear. They had never seen their King angry and in that moment they realised they never wanted to see it again.

"Daenerys Taragaryen is OUR Queen! She saved me and my men! She lost a child doing it!  When she didn't have too! THAT IS WHY I BENT THE KNEE!" Jon yells.

Lords that were standing sit. Sansa edges back in her seat. Jon scans the room with an angry scowl on his face, he makes eye contact with as many lords as he can, they all turn away the second he does.

"She will always be My Queen. My men and I went on a mission to try and capture a white walker from beyond the wall. It was stupid. We got trapped and when I thought I was done, when I thought all was lost. Daenerys Targaryen came in on her dragon and burnt the dead fuckers, saving me and my men from death."

Jon lets them take that information in before continuing. He gives a quick apologetic look towards Dany, she quickly nods and braces herself.

"While saving us, The Night King himself, threw a spear of ice that took down her third Dragon." Jon says lowering his head.

The entire room seems to gasp in shock.

Before Jon can say more, Bran interrupts. "Viserion has been risen by the Night King and he has broken through the wall, the dead march closer, we must prepare. Because the Great war is here."

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