We Sail Together

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I watched as he walked away, I was a little mad but I still respected him for his words and loyalty. He was probably yelling at himself, Tyrion was now fixing his mistake and he most likely hated that.

I had shattered my own heart and his, I had to fix this, I had to show him how sorry I truly was, I had to tell him my fears, my worries...I wanted to love him, My decision was final. I would allow him to love me after he heard I couldn't have children...properly.

I walked over to where he was standing, he had just picked up a small bone and was studying it, he turned and I held out my hand. He passed what looked like a jaw bone to me.

I looked around this...prison and sighed walking past Jon who was just watching me.

"They were extraordinary, terrifying, beautiful creatures...and we locked them in here...we weren't extraordinary without them. They grew small and we grew small as well. We became just like everyone else." I said passing him the the jaw back.

I looked at this man So handsome...so powerful...so...kind....caring. And he love me...how?

I stepped down into a little hallway and he followed close behind.

"Your not like everyone else." he said making contact with my eyes, I couldn't help but smile, and that smile grew when he stepped closer to me. "And your family hasn't seen its end." He nodded at me "Your still here."

I smiled even more, this man was still being kind to me after what I did to him. I looked deep into those eyes and decided I would have to say it straight to his face for him to understand.

"I can't have children." I say sadly and wait for his reaction, he doesn't skip a beat.

"Who told you that?" he says and I have to admit I am taken aback...is he?...did he really just?....

"The Witch who murdered my husband" I say firmly trying to gain some control, I look into those eyes and I know he won't go down easily.

"Has it occurred to you, she might not have been a reliable source of information?" He says seriously.

I can't help but let out a small laugh at his boldness, not something I would expect from Jon at all. I then take in what he said. He understands now but refuses to except it...I then think of my other children, my dragons. Viserion... if  had just trusted Jon...

"I should have trusted you from the beginning...if I had everything would be different" I say with sad and regretful tone, because I know its true.

He studies me for what seems like forever as if looking for hidden motives...makes sense honestly, I broke his heart, he shouldn't trust me.

He takes a deep breath "So what now?" he asks, other people would think he is talking about what we do about our current situation with Cersei and the dead, But I knew he was talking about us and our relationship.

I step a little closer and he studies me again "I am so sorry Jon...I pushed you away when I got scared. I didn't want you to fall for me when I could never bring you children, because that's what you deserve." he was about to argue but I put up my hand up and he closed his mouth, I step closer not taking my eyes off of him.

"Jon my feelings...I think...no... I know...I lo-"

My confession was cut off by footsteps, we look out and see Cersei returning, Tyrion convinced her somehow. I was happy I had gotten to say two out of the three things I needed to say to Jon.

One was sorry. Done. Two was I can't have children. Done. Third was how I really felt. Almost. I walked out and Jon grabbed my hand, I turned to him and he stepped really, really close. My hairs along my arms rose and my heartbeat quickened in my chest.

"We will talk later My Queen" he whispered and then walked off to greet Cersei again, I was left standing in shock my adrenaline spiked. But it didn't last long and I put on my Queen facade and followed Jon.

We met Cersei halfway and she said she would not pull back her army. I was about to get mad and demand why come back here then she looked at Jon. I felt like stepping in front of him to protect him from her gaze, she smiled at him, my blood boiled with a emotion I haven't really ever felt before...Jealousy, this emotion was not one I was fond of.

"I will march them North to fight in the real war, against the dead" She said and everyone seemed to let out a breath they were holding.

 I didn't fully trust this Lion, she was a liar, and she was good at it. Just looking at her, I knew...I knew she was hiding or planning something.

After everything had been sorted we left Kings Landing without leaving a mark and headed to Dragonstone. Once we got back I had a nap and Missy came and woke me after several hours, saying I have to attend a meeting about the journey North.

When I made it too the Meeting Jon was talking, more like arguing about something with Ser Jorah, they both stopped once they spotted me though and went to opposite sides of the table. I went to the front and clasped my hands together in front of me.

"Whats the plan?" I ask and Jon smiles, I almost smile back but I remember we aren't alone.

He points to the map of Westeros "If the Dothraki take the Kings Road to Winterfell they should arrive within the fortnight, thats if they ride hard."

I tilt my head a bit, he has quite the tactical mind as well "And the Unsullied?" I question

He doesn't look up at me but continues pointing at the map "If we sail with the Unsullied to White harbor, we would meet the Dothraki here on the Kings road" he said pointing to a spot on the map, he finally looks up at me almost shyly but I ignore it "Then ride, Together, to Winterfell"

I look from him to the map, that would mean I would spend the next two or more weeks by his side...I wouldn't mind that...

"Perhaps you should fly to Winterfell your grace" Ser Jorah says pulling everyone's attention "You have many enemies in the North, One man with a cross bow and a good aim could see your sliver hair and take your life, and be rewarded for it. The man who killed the Conquer."

I had to decide...Jorah was right, no matter how much I wanted to go with Jon, I had to survive if I wanted to take the Throne. But before I could agree with Jorah, Jon spoke again.

"Its your decision your Grace, the North should see us as Allies and if we sail together and I think it would send a better message." He said looking at me a slight shine in his eyes. It was then I realised this is what they where fighting about.

I took a deep breath and decided. "I am not here to Conquer the North, I am here to save it." I say looking at Ser Jorah and the Map, I then look at Jon my heart beating faster.

"We sail together."

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