Liar, Heartbreaker, Traitor

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Jon found himself in the crypts, at his fathers statue, mixed emotions spreading throughout his thoughts and feelings.

Then, through the whispering silence, loud thudding footsteps came from the entrance, Jon turned, frown planted firm on his face.

Sam came around the corner, almost tripping over the last step.

"You alright?" Jon asks, as Sam trudges over, breathing heavily.

"Yeah fine, I am fine." He replies as he comes to a stop in front of Jon.

"Why are you down here Sam?" he asks.

Sam takes a deep breath. "Only to tell you Bran would like to speak to you."

Jon sighs. "Alright, lets go then."

Sam starts walking to the exit while Jon takes one last look at his father. Before Jon follows Sam his eyes scan the rest of the statues, his eyes landing on a female, standing tall. 

Jon stares for a little while, something in his heart pulling him towards-

"Jon! You coming?" Sam yells from the exit.

Jon nods, not taking his eyes off her. Was that Lyanna's statue? He couldn't remember...but he assumed so. 

"Yeah." he replies,  then takes a deep breath and forces his eyes away, walking towards Sam.

Sam leads him to one of Winterfell's halls, where Bran sits by the fire, as always just staring.

"Bran." Jon greets, sitting in front of him.

Bran seemingly snaps out of his gaze and turns to look at him. "Jon."

"What do you want to speak to me about?" Jon asks, sitting back in his chair.

"The Truth."

"What truth Bran? Its late, just tell me so I can rest." Jon sighs.

Bran gives him a look that almost makes him shiver. "I know who your mother is."

Jon's movements slow, his body not allowing him to use the oxygen around him.

"Who?" he whispers, preparing himself for the worst.

Bran grips his chair tight. "Your mother is my aunt, Lyanna Stark."

Jon's eyes narrow and a frown creases his brow. "What?"


"That doesn't make any sense! Father would-"

"Your father is not Ned Stark." Bran interrupts.

Jon didn't think he could take what Bran was about to tell him, his brain was already putting the pieces together, knowing the final product would shatter his heart.

"Your father is Rhaegar Targaryen."

"That'" Jon mumbles standing up. "Your lying."

Sam steps forward. "No Jon we're not...and thats not all....You are not a bastard."

Jon shakes his head. "Stop talking." his heartbeat was pounding in his head like a hammer on an anvil, every hit making his mind spin.

Little did anyone know, Daenerys was walking down the hall when she heard shouting. "STOP TALKING!" Jon yells.

She freezes in place, a frown creasing her forehead. She edged closer to the big door, about to walk in when their conversation made her freeze.

"Rhaegar annulled his marriage to Elia and married Lyanna in a secret ceremony taken place in Dorne. Jon you are the trueborn son of Rhaegar and Lyanna. Your real name is Aegon Targaryen."

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