Forgive? How?

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"The dead march closer! They will be here within days, my lord!"

"What are your orders?!"

"What are we supposed to do?!"

"Have our weapons been finished, my lord?!"

"Is the Queen awake yet?!"

"Be quiet!"Jon yelled, turning his blazed gaze on the men standing in the room.

The silence that followed gave Jon a moment to relax and take a deep breath, The Lords and Ladies shocked into silence.

"I will answer your questions one at a time, do not yell at me." Jon huffed, sitting back down into his chair and eyeing his peers. 

After some more silence one lord stood up. "What are your orders? The dead will be here within three days and the Queen still hasn't woken. Without her to command her dragons will we even stand a chance?"

Jon sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I do not know when the Queen will wake, My lord. I have no control over such things." Though he wished more than anything he did.

"Then what are we to do?" He asked.

Jon had to remain strong in front of them, so he sat up in his chair and inhaled, meeting the Lord's worried gaze.

"Make sure our preparations are completed, be ready to fight on a moments notice, help out the people who are in need and most importantly, spend time with your loved ones, hold them close." Jon answered, his stoic mask firmly in place, not allowing any emotion to show.

The Lord weakly nodded and sat back down. A silence befell the hall and Jon took a deep breath. "Anything else?"

When no one answered, Jon stood. "Prepare your men and prepare yourselves, get as much rest as you can." he commanded, walking out of the hall.


"You're Lyanna Stark." Daenerys guessed, stepping closer.

The woman smiled at her, she was truly beautiful. "I am. It's a pleasure to meet you Daenerys, but it's to soon."

At that Daenerys frowned. "What is going on? If you really are her then that means I am dead, because you are dead." She said, she then looked at Bran. "But you aren't dead...right?"

Bran nodded. "No Daenerys, I am not dead. I brought you here, woke you from your sleepless slumber. When I release you, you will wake in your bed, most likely with Jon by your side."

The name brought her slight pain, memories coming back from less pleasant times. "Jon.." Daenerys breathed, turning her gaze towards Lyanna.

She opened her mouth to say something, but it fell close when no words came. She met Lyanna's grey eyes and tried to communicate what her tongue wouldn't allow.

"I know, Daenerys." Was all the woman said, giving her a sad yet comforting smile.

"I'm sorry." Dany whispered, looking down to the grass. She didn't know why she said it, but she felt like she needed to.

"Sorry?" Lyanna questioned, walking towards her, "What for, my dear? Making my son happier then he has ever been?" Lyanna grabbed Dany's hand and shook her head. "If anything I should be thanking you."

Daenerys just stared in awe at her, her gentle touch and warm eyes making her Queen mask fade away.

"But...But Jon isn't happy, he's-"

"Heartbroken? Yes. Lost? Yes. A fool? A little bit." Lyanna giggled and Daenerys smiled warmly at her. "But he does love you Daenerys."

"I know..." she whispered weakly, looking down to their joined hands. "But he broke my heart, even after swearing to never hurt me."

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