Nightmares or Visions?

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Daenerys raised her sword, her chest heaving heavily, her eyes widened and hands bloodied. She twirled on her feet, trying to ignore the musk of death that surrounded everything around her.

Her eyes spotted movement and she turned to face another wight, swinging down the heavy piece of metal, cutting deep through the rotten flesh, the wight fell dead, Daenerys almost falling with it.

Her body felt weak and worn out, yet she managed to continue her fast-paced walk back towards Winterfell, continuously looking around for more wights.

She froze when she saw them, at least fifteen Wights charging directly at her.

Daenerys immediately knew there was no possible way she would make it out alive. Her sword dropped at her side, this was it, her journey was finished.

As they came in closer, everything slowed down, the past flashed through her mind, everything she had managed to achieve, from where she had started to here. Died, protecting the realm.

Her trance was snapped when she heard footsteps behind her, she spins, but doesn't bother raising her sword in defense, accepting defeat.

But her eyes widen when she sees who had come for her. 

Jorah stepped in front of her, raising his own sword in defense of them both.

He nudged her behind him and took a deep breath, Dany's mind still processing Jorah's arrival.

"Jorah?" she croaked out.

He remained focused on the approaching shadows and Daenerys decided, if this is how she dies, fighting alongside her old bear, protecting those she loves and the entire realm, then it would be a good death.

She raised her sword, ready to give her all, when a scream echoed in the darkness, the scream, more sounding like a roar of challenge gained and shifted the wights attention.

A breath was released from Daenerys as the wights turned towards the challenge, but when she saw who had emitted the challenge, her heart dropped.

"Jorah! Take her and run!" Jon yelled twisting his blade.

Jorah turned to Daenerys and grabbed her arm, "Quickly Khalessi." He said, urgently beginning to drag her.

"Stop, no...wait stop." Daenerys began to say, but Jorah acted like he couldn't even hear her.

The Wights sprinted at Jon and she watched helplessly as he stood in place, drawing all attention away from her.

Jon Snow was a warrior, a good one at that, some would say the best, but even he could not take on the amount of Wights that barged into him, furiously tearing at his armour and flesh.

Jorah scooped her up as she tried to escape, a soundless scream ripping from her throat as Jon disappeared under the wights.

A blast of fire surrounded everything and then...Daenerys opened her eyes.

She sat up in the grass, bright sunlight making her instinctively raise her hand to block it out. She quickly took in her surroundings; bright colourful flowers lay littered around and under big oak trees. The grass she was sitting in was long and soft. Quiet bird chirps and the sound of wind added with the garden made this place seem like the afterlife.

Her surprise and curiosity grew when she noticed the dress she was wearing. It was a light rosy red and it felt like a light soft blanket wrapped around her. Her hair was loose and trailed down her back in a waterfall of curls.

She inhaled deeply, the smell of the garden almost cleansing the smell of death she was accustomed too. Almost.

Before she thought things could get any stranger, she spotted two people, one whom she immediately recognized as Bran Stark, the other, whom was clearly a lady...she did not recognize.

However, she didn't fail to notice the beauty of the girl.

She walked closer, the words they were speaking reaching her ears.

"I must show her."

"She is not ready, Bran. I forbid it"

"Forbid what?" Daenerys questioned; both sets of eyes looking to her immediately. Yet neither looked surprised.

"Daenerys, you must be a little confused, yes?" The girl said, whose eyes reminded her strikingly of Jon's.

"Yes." She answered.

"Everything will make sense soon, do not stress." She spoke, her voice soft and comforting.

"Where am I? I'm not...dead, am I?" Daenerys asked, an amused smile growing on the girl's face.

"No Daenerys," Bran answered. "This is real, but, it's all in your head."

"So the nightmare I just experienced, was that just a nightmare?" Dany asked, the dream flashing through her head once more.

Bran looks towards the girl, who looks at Bran. "There is so much we can't say Daenerys."

"Then why am I here?" she asked.

"Because you would be dead if not for Bran bringing you here." The girl said.

"What? What do you mean?"

Bran sighed. "Your body lays unconscious, unable to wake due to certain...issues."

"What Issues?!" Daenerys asked, fear striking her tone. "Will I wake?"

"Oh yes, very soon in fact." The girl said, grinning,

Daenerys went to ask more questions but paused before the words left her mouth. Instead, she focused on the girl, who was smiling softly, a bright gleam in her pretty eyes.

"Who exactly are you, may I ask?"

The girl smiled, seemingly pleased Dany finally asked.

"I would tell you, but you have already guessed." She answers.


Two days. Two days he had sat by her bedside, holding her cold limp hand and praying for her to wake.

His presence had been requested three times now, but every time, Jon refused. He didn't hide behind any excuse; he told the truth.

"My Lord, they request you attend the feast, you may be needed for-"

"I cannot, inform Sansa I am staying by our Queen till she wakes." Jon said rather harshly, lack of sleep wearing his patience thin.

"Yes, My lord." The girl squeaked, dashing quickly from the room.

Jon sighed heavily, hanging his head low, closing his eyes and squeezing Dany's hand gently he decided he needed to say the truth aloud, even if there where no one to hear him.

"I was wrong. So wrong...and I hate myself for what I caused between us...if you never manage to forgive me...then I will accept that. I will manage to live, being loyal to only you for the rest of my life, even if you refuse to let me love you." He takes a deep breath and turns to look at Daenerys. "I have died before...and I would do it again...for you. All I'm asking is that you wake, because I am not the only one who needs you."

A single, warm silent tear tickled down Jon Snow's cheek as he gazed helplessly at Dany.

"I am sorry, so sorry Dany. I never meant...I promised myself I would never hurt you and I broke that promise. I broke your heart; I broke my look at us." A cold laugh mixed with a sob releases from Jon as he finishes his sentence.

"I will never give up on you Daenerys, I love you, I never stopped loving you. I need you to wake up, I need to see those eyes, hear that laugh...please."


A/N: YES! I finally managed to finish this. I have been putting it off for daayys due to me being jet lagged af.

Hope you enjoyed, it's good to be back.

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