Love I don't Derserve

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My heart was beating at a million miles an hour, I thought I would explode, my breath was uneven and sharp. Did he really mean that? Did he really love me as I loved him?

Maybe he was just saying that...Why would he say it if he thought I was asleep then?

I had those kinds of thoughts running through my mind when the door opened, I quickly resume my sleeping act and I felt him walk over and sigh.

"Gods do I wish...." He said,

'Wish what? Oh, please say...' I think to myself, and as if he heard me he does.

"I wish I could take it all back, I wish I could kiss you and tell you your mine, I wish I could feel your love, but don't worry I already know I never will. I just wish...Goddamn have I fallen for you...when I woke up and you were lying next to me I had hope, I really did but then I remembered who I was, who you were and what was coming for us... I should stop talking"

I gasped a little bit when he wrapped his arms around me and lifted me off the chair like I weighted nothing, and to him I probably didn't.

He placed me on the bed and put the blankets over me, I silently prayed he would get in next to me, instead I heard him sit down in the chair I was just in and whisper "Good night Dany"

As soon as I heard snores I resumed my breathing and opened my eyes, I couldn't believe that had really just happened, I mean what are the chance he admits all of that thinking I am asleep. It hurts me knowing he thinks I don't love him, which I do, a lot. But was this real or something I could fall into? A war was coming, and this wasn't the right time, but a voice kept whispering 'If not now when?' I was stuck, I didn't think I could my feelings back much longer, I could really spend the rest of my life with this man and have no regrets.

But. If I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him, he would never have children and he definitely deserves children and I can't give him them. He would get stuck with me for the rest of his life, I doubt he would want only me, he would see his siblings raising children and he would realize I am not enough. But he already loves me, even though I have told him the dragons are the only children I will ever have... did he understand me though? I had to tell him before we got to close, I couldn't let myself fall too much only to be broken when he realizes, I can't have children and leaves me.

I feel a tear roll down my cheek at my thoughts, I sit up and look at the King in The North, that one that held the key to my heart, but I couldn't give him the one thing a wife is supposed to give their husband the most, an Heir. I didn't deserve his love, I knew that, if he knew of all the things, I have done to get here he probably wouldn't see me the same.

I feel more tears rolling down and I start sobbing, I don't want to break his heart, but it seemed already too late, he had fallen for me and I couldn't stop him. He would now have to force his feelings down and find someone that can give him children.

I started crying my face in my hands, I couldn't hold it in anymore, so I didn't. I felt the bed dip in front of me and hands pull my own from my face, I knew who it was so I didn't look up, I didn't want him seeing my pain. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look up, his dark brown eyes were filled with worry.

"Dany what's wrong? Talk to me" he whispered

"I-I-I...I can-t-t" I stuttered out between sobs

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in, my head rested on his chest, I could feel his heartbeat, I never wanted to leave this embrace, I felt safe and protect, I felt loved.

"Shhhh, its all right, you will be ok, shhh" he said rubbing my back gently

I sob some more then I realise what I am doing, I am letting myself love him, I couldn't do that to him, he didn't deserve it, he needed the truth.

I pulled back "Jon I-I can't be with you-u"

He frowned in confusion "What do you mean Dany?"

I caressed his check and looked into his brown eyes "I know you love me, but I don't love you" I said knowing that was a flat out lie, but I had to get him to hate me.


"Jon, I heard you say you love me; I am sorry to say I don't have those same feelings for you, I am sorry" I said breaking my own heart, but it was better then breaking his before it went too far.

"Dany please..." he whispered

"Jon can you sleep elsewhere tonight? I need some time alone, I am sorry" I say loudly

He moved closer "Your lying"

I put my hands on his chest and pushed him "Leave!"

He stood up and looked back at me "Sure Dany. I know you think what your doing is right, but your breaking my heart, don't expect me to come back"

"I never cared about your heart; Now GO!" I yell

"Yeah I am and I am not coming back, I promise you that." he glared at me then walked out the door slamming it behind him.

I knew it was the right thing to do, but then why did it hurt so much and feel so wrong?

That night had to have been one of my worst nights ever, eventually I cried myself to sleep.

I had shattered Jon Snows heart and in doing so destroyed mine.

But it was the right thing to do.

*Rubs hands evilly*

Note: I will continue the story per many wishes to do so.

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