My Queen

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I heard the door close behind her, as soon as it was closed, I opened my eyes, and allowed myself to breathe again.

"What... The... Fuck..."

I sat up and was immediately hit with a wave of pain that made me collapse back onto my sheets and groan in pain. Loudly.

I took some deep breaths trying to figure out exactly what hurt so much, when suddenly the door flew open and she stepped through, we immediately made eye contact, she looked terrified.

"Jon are you ok?"

I tried to speak but instead coughed, my throat was so dry that, it was hard to even speak.

I pointed at my throat then gestured tipping a glass up and she nodded.

"Water! Ok I will be back" she said literally sprinting out of the room, I wasn't sure if I could tell her that I knew about her sleeping next to me or not, I decided not to, wanting to avoid that very awkward conversation.

She walked back in with a glass of water

"Sit up Jon, if you can" she said walking over next to me.

I tried to sit up, but I simply didn't have the strength, she put the glass down and wrapped her arms around my back, she then lifted me up higher against the bed, like it was nothing. I got lost in her incredible eyes for a few moments and I could feel the flame in me burning brighter

She grabbed the glass "Open up" she said grabbing my chin and lifting it, I opened my mouth and she poured some very needed water down my throat. I instantly felt better.

"Thank you, Dany," I whisper, I can finally speak again

"Dany?" she breathes "Who was the last person to call me that? Was it my Brother? Hmm not the company you would want to keep"

I didn't know what to say to that, She grabbed my chin again and poured more water into my mouth.

"So not Dany?"

She stared at me for what felt like hours she then smiled "No, you can call me Dany...I like the way you say it, I know you aren't my brother."

"Ok Dany, would you mind if I also called you my Queen?" I asked gently

She gasped and let out a breath "What?"

"You heard me; I would bend the knee but..." I guested towards myself and she let out a breath with a smile.

"What about your people? Why are you doing this now?" she asked grabbing my hand, it instantly send sparks down my spine

"Because Daenerys Targaryen, You came, you saved me and my men's lives...all while risking your own even though that would mean the end of everything you've built, you risked your children's lives. You did all of this before I had even bent the knee because that's who you are, that's someone I want as my Queen" I said squeezing her hand

I could see the tears in her eyes "Thank you Jon, I hope I deserve it"

"You do, you will be the greatest Queen the realm has ever seen"

She smiled but it quickly faded, she squeezed my hand tighter "We are going to defeat the Knight King and his army, and we'll do it together"

"Together" I whisper

We just hold our eye contact before she removes her hand from mine, I feel a sadness crawl into my heart, but I pretend not to look disappointed.

I am shocked when she instead cups my face and leans closer "Don't you ever leave me like that again Jon Snow, I need you"

She kisses my forehead and stands up "Get some rest Jon, I will be back later"

She then quickly leaves the room not looking back once, she almost runs into Davos and Tormund who were coming in.

"Sorry" She whispers and walks past them closing the door

I sigh. I love Daenerys Targaryen.


My heart was beating so fast I thought it would explode out of my chest, I almost run to the meeting room hoping no one was inside. Once I make it there, I close the door and slide down it, before even checking if anyone was in there.

"Your Grace?" Missandei is walking over to me "Are you alright?"

She sits down next to me "No I am not, Missy"

She sighs "What is the reason?"

I take a deep breath "The King in The Fucking North"

Missy lets out a small laugh "I presumed so. What is the problem with him?"

"Its not about him its about me, it scares me Missy" I whisper

She grabs my hand and makes me look at her "What does?"

"He's different, with him I can see the rest of my life before my eyes and that terrifies me. Men have never been able to tame my heart but somehow since I met This King, my life hasn't been the same"

"What's different about it?" she asks gently

I smile at her "A lot most of it good, the only bad things are my fears. Like losing him, I can't go through that again." I sigh "I never thought I would open my heart again Missy, and to be honest I didn't. I did not have a choice with Jon, he forced his way into her heart without even trying." I feel my eyes turning glassy with tears, Missandei grabs my hand tighter.

"I love him, with all my heart"

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