The Great War

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Everybody watched as Sandor carried what looked like and wooden box, but in fact carried a resurrected dead person.

He put it down and undid the hatches, he then hesitantly pulled off the cover, I expected it to jump out, and when it didn't I got worried. What if it didn't survive, What-

Sandor moved behind the box and kicked it forward as the it hit the ground a scream I reconzided all to well ripped through the air, the Wight stood up and sprinted at Cersei, which was perfect, she looked terrified which is exactly what we needed. Sandor pulled on its chain and it ran at him, he then cut it in half and because it was regular steel, it kept crawling around. I made eye contact with Dany and almost got lost in those purple eyes, luckily a screech pulled me out of my trance. Sandor then cut off its hand and Qyburn grabbed it, he studied it and then passed it to me.

Davos came over and lit the torch I was holding on fire

"We can destroy them by burning them" I demonstrated by lighting the hand on fire, ceasing its movements.

I gave the torch to Davos and pulled out my Dragonglass dagger showing it to Cersei "Or we can destroy them using Dragonglass." I pointed to the Wight "If we don't win this fight, then that, is the fate of everyone in the world"

I walked over and picked the Wight up, I then plunged the dagger into its chest and it immediately dropped dead. I walked up to Cersei who looked shocked to the bone.

"There is only one war that matters. The Great War. And it is Here." I say firmly

"I didn't believe it until I saw them" Dany swallowed the horrible memory coming back "I saw them all"

Jamie looked at her "How many?"

"Hundred thousand at least" She said and I watched as the faces of Jamie and Cersei dropped.

Euron stood up and walked over to the dead Wight "Can they swim?"

"No" I replied

"Good. I am taking the Iron fleet back to The Iron Islands" He said looking at Cersei

"What are you talking about?" Cersei said looking worried

"I have been around the world; I have seen things you couldn't imagine. But this. This is only thing I have ever seen that terrifies me"

He then turned around and walked over to Dany, I instantly grabbed my sword but he stopped a few steps in front of her "I am going back to my island, you should go back to yours. Once this is all over, we'll be the only ones left alive" He said to her, she just glared at him with utter disgust.

He then walked away and Cersei spoke "He is right to be afraid, but a coward to run, if those things come for us, there will be no Kingdoms to rule, everything we have done would have been for nothing." She looked over at Dany "The Crown accepts your truce. Until the dead are defeated, they are the true enemy." There was silence and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, then Cersei went and ruined everything "In return The King in The North will extend this truce. He will remain in the North where he belongs, he will not take up arms against the Lannisters, he will not choose sides." She sneered

"Just the King in The North? Not me?" Dany said gaining a glare and a slight chuckle from Cersei

"I would never ask it of you. You would never agree to it and if you did I would trust you even less then I do now. I ask it only of Ned Starks son, I know Ned Starks son will be true to his word"

Fuck. Godammit. WHY?


Are you serious? Everything was going well, and she just had to try and get Jon on her side. I watched Jon afraid of what he might do.

He looked around seemly annoyed like me, he looked straight at me and we made eye contact but he quickly looked away.

"I am true to my word" No, he won't will he? "Or I try to be. That is why I cannot give you what you ask." He's going to "I cannot serve two Queens. I have already pledged myself to Queen Daenerys of House Targaryen."

He actually just did that. He said he was loyal to me in front of everyone. I respected that but that also meant Cersei would not be happy.

I look over to her and yes, she doesn't look happy.

"Fine, then there is nothing left to discuss" she stood up "The dead will come north first, enjoy dealing with them, we will deal with whatever is left of you."

She then walked away leaving us all standing there watching the mission we had just returned from become a failure.

I stared at Jon who looked angry at himself, I knew he couldn't help it, his honour was unwavering.

"I wish you hadn't done that" Davos said, and Jon sighed angrily.

I stood up and walked over to him, he still had bruises on his face from the fighting pit last night. I was glad he had shown his loyalty but annoyed at him for doing it when he could have just lied.

"I am Grateful for your loyalty, but my Dragon died so that we could be here. If its all for nothing, then he died for nothing" I could feel tears wanting to break out talking about my dead child.

Jon looked disgusted with himself "I know."

"I am pleased you bent the knee to our Queen" Tyrion said "I would have advised it had you asked. But have you ever considered learning to lie every now and then? Just a bit!?"

Jon turned to him and I knew what his response would be, I knew he couldn't help it, he was no liar.

"I am not going to swear an oath I can't uphold. Now tell me that's the attitude that got my father killed. But when enough people make false promises, words stop meaning anything, then there are no more answers and only better and better lies and lies, lies won't help us in this fight."

"That is a problem, but the more immediate problem is, That were fucked."

A/N: Check out The Saviors of The Realm, my new story. 

Love Yall

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