I Promise

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The morning sun woke me. I opened my eyes and my heart dropped when I realised Dany wasn't next to me, her warmth wasn't there.

I scanned the room and saw her quickly getting dressed, my eyes narrowed. I slowly and quietly removed the furs from my body and slowly stood up from the bed, creeping over to her.

She was just about to put on her dress when I grabbed her from behind.

She yelped and I laughed as she turned around to glare at me.

"Jon!" she yells annoyed, punching my arm.

"What do you think you're doing?" I ask grabbing the dress from her hands and throwing it over the hanger.

She rolls her eyes at me and grabs the dress. "I was hoping to leave early and do something productive in the ship, I didn't wake you because..."

She trails off. I grab the dress and throw it across the room, she scowls at me. "Because?" I prompt.

She sighs. "Because I know, If you did wake up, you would prevent me from leaving this chamber until lunch time."

I tilt my head from side to side, pretending to think about it. "Yep! That's pretty accurate!" I exclaim then quickly grab her, lifting her off the ground and walking back over to the bed, I lay her down and pull the nightgown she was wearing over her head.

Her beautiful body that I can't get enough of is revealed to me. "You are the most beautiful women in the world Dany." I whisper before leaning down over her.

She blushes and quickly kisses me. "See? Now I don't want to leave."

I chuckle softly. "Good."

I then grab her and pull her against me, rolling onto my back. I pull the furs back up over us as she snuggles herself onto my chest, wrapping her legs through mine.

Her soft hair tickling me, her heart assuring me, her warmth enveloping me.

But I can tell something is off.

"We arrive soon Dany, a couple days at best. I just want you to know, I am here for you, you can tell me anything." I encourage.

She takes a deep breath before her head turns to look up at me, her shining eyes meeting mine, allowing me to look deep into her emotions, after a few seconds I figure out whats wrong.

"Its ok to be afraid Dany, an army of the dead lead by a thing called the Night King is coming for us. I am scared too. Its ok to be scared of the North's noble men not accepting you. I am here. Talk to me."  I encourage stroking her hair.

She sighs softly but keeps eye contact with me. "Yes I am scared of both those things, The North and The Night King. I want to be accepted, I want them to see I am not my father...that I am not evil or mad. I want to end this war with the dead. I want everything to end...I want peace, I...I don't...I don't want to fight anymore Jon...I want to live and love, I want to be a mother... I want to be myself and not have a care in the world, but I know that will never be possible."

I kiss her forehead as she closes her eyes, a tear rolling out. "Dany-"

"I have never told anyone that Jon, I um...I know its a lot and I know-"

"Dany. First of all thank you for telling me, you think your the only one? I am over all this, the death, the fighting, the gathering armies and arming men. I want to live, I want to live with you. I know this doesn't sound believable now Dany, but I believe we will have out peace even if it takes a while, even if takes a few years, even if its after you have broken the wheel. We will live. Together. I promise I will make sure that happens to the best of my abilities."

She is silent for a while, her face turned away from me. When she finally looks at me, she smiles softly.

"I will hold you to that promise my love." She whispers.

I take a deep breath, wanting to know something else...but scared to bring up dark memories.

"I know you might not want to tell me this but-"

"Jon." She interrupts, I look down at her. "I would tell you anything."

I smile and she smiles back. "Ok then, your childhood, can I hear about your time in Braavos? You know, before everything went to shit with your brother."

She takes a deep breath. "I loved it, we lived in a house with a big red door, outside my window there was a lemon tree. It was closet thing I have ever felt to home...since...since I...since I met you."

I take a sharp intake of breath in shock. "You...think of me as your home?"

She takes a deep breath. "I do, anywhere you went I would follow, even if it meant I didn't ever get The Iron Throne."

I gasp softly. "Dany...but the throne-"

"The Throne isn't you, the throne can't hold me tight, the Throne can't kiss my forehead while stroking my hair, The Throne can't make my heart flutter or my cheeks blush because of kind words, The Iron Throne cannot love me. So yes, I would take you over the Throne any day, because you are my home and you have my heart, you always will. I love you more then words can express Jon Snow."

I lay there. Completely speechless at her confession.

She sits up and straddles me with a big smile on her face. "Let me show you how much." She whispers into my ear gently biting my lobe before moving to my lips.

Her mouth devours mine, her tongue overpowering mine and taking control of my mouth. She pulls away and smiles at me again, before moving down to my neck, she starts to kiss and suck on my neck while rubbing her core against mine, earning a few groans from me.

She pulls away and grabs my hands placing them on her perfect breasts, before grabbing my hard manhood and slowly sliding me through her slick velvet folds, I groan at how wet and tight she is.

She then began to ride me like she had many times, she leans down and kisses me with passion, with I return, pouring as much love as I can into the kiss.

Her moans and my groans, plus the sound of skin slapping fill the cool room.

"Avy jorrāelan" she moans as she sheathes my cock entirely once again. 

I have no idea what that means but the way Valyrian rolls off her tongue turns me on.

"Qogralbar kessa!" She screams as I cup her ass and begin to match her hips with my own thrusts.

The more she says stuff in Valyrian, the less time I will last.

I flip her over but I don't stop, thrusting as hard and fast as I can, watching in satisfaction as her eyes roll back into her head.

"Oh qogralbar! kessa ñuha zokla!" she screams as I feel her tighten around me, her body shaking under me, I smile as I know she has reached her climax.

I chase mine like an animal, Dany wraps her legs around my waist and digs her heels into me, trying to get me as deep as possible, her nails claw into my back and a few thrusts later, I pound my seed deep inside the woman I Love.

I then collapse next to her to catch my breath. She crawls into her usual spot and I pull the furs back up.

"I am going to miss this boat..." she whispers, closing her eyes.

"Me too, Dany." I whisper kissing her forehead.

She sighs softly. "I...love...you...." she manages to say before I recognize sound of her sleeping.

I smile. "I love you too Dany." I whisper. 

I then watch as her chest rises and falls slowly drifting to sleep myself.

"I will get us there Dany..." I whisper to myself. "I will get us to that house with the red door and the lemon tree...whatever it takes...I will make sure we have peace and a chance to live...."

I kiss her hair again. "I Promise."

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