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I woke up in my favourite place, I was resting on Jon's warm chest, his beating heart loud and firm, comforting me, his breaths steady and smooth, my favourite place.

I moved to look up at him, his strong arm was wrapped around my back, making sure he was holding me tight.

As I looked over his comely face, my heart warmed to see him at so much peace, without his brooding face he was even more handsome, almost impossibly handsome. He had a slight smile gracing his lips, leaving me wondering what he could be dreaming about.

I felt like I could just look at him forever, never leave this boat...but I knew we had to leave soon, less than a week now...

The past few weeks with Jon on this boat have been the best of my life, there have been no threats, no wars, no death. Is this what peace was like? If it was then I knew that I had to fix this world, or at least try to. I needed too, for the people, the world deserved to be better, deserved to grow, it needed to change, it deserved a chance and I would try my best to make sure it got that chance.

Jon hummed happily, turning my attention back to him. He was still asleep, clearly dreaming about something wonderful.

Then without notice the arm wrapped around my back lifted me onto his body gently, I stared at him to open his eyes, but they remained closed.

I tried to hide my giggle that he had done that while asleep, but I couldn't. Jon's eyes opened to me giggling, his smile grew until it was his entire face, I giggled some more uncontrollably, and Jon joined in, laughing softly.

"What has you giggling Dany?" he asked after I calmed down.

I tried not to, but I couldn't stop it, I giggled more at the look on his face, I didn't even know why I was giggling. Oh yeah...because I am happy and in love.

He cups my cheeks and kisses me, I giggle some more and Jon kisses me again, this repeats quite a few times before Jon rolls over me, I giggle again, and he smiles brightly.

"Well?" he asks, I realize I never responded.

"I don't know." I reply smiling.

"I love your giggle and I love you. Good Morning My Love." He cooed, his thick northern accent coated in sleep, creating quite possibly the sexiest sound I have ever heard.

"Good morning to you as well, My Love." I respond and he kisses me again.

"What were you dreaming about?" I ask curiously.

"You." He replies lovingly, while stroking my cheek, I feel myself blush.

"Me? What happened in this dream?" I ask smiling.

He leans down and starts kissing along my jaw, cheeks and nose before finally my lips.

" wasn't exactly apposite for a Queens ears."

I giggle. "Oh?"

He smirks. "Yes, I definitely shouldn't go into details."

I giggle again. Why can't I stop giggling?! I don't think I have ever giggled so much in my entire life as much as I have this morning.

He rolls over next to me and I snuggle into his body, putting my head in his neck and wrapping my leg around his, putting my hand over his scar and his beating heart.

We lay there for a while, before Jon spoke.

"What's your worst fear?" he asked softly.

I don't respond, I have to think first. "I...don't have one worst fear, I have...too many to count..."

"Pick one."

I sigh. "Losing the people, I love...I have no family in this world, I am the last Targaryen and I can't have heirs, so in a way I will always be alone..."

Jon's arms wrap tighter around me, he buries his face in my loose hair.

"I knew a Targaryen before I met you." He says.

I frown. "What? That's not-"

"His name was Aemon. He was the Maester at Castle Black." He whispers.

I pick up quickly on the 'Was'. "Was?" I ask softly feeling my heart tear.

"Yes, he died a while ago, natural causes. He told me about he always wanted to meet you..."


I feel sad that he is gone, but its nice to know I had another family member out there who was watching over me, who cared about me.

"Yes, that's how I first heard of you, Daenerys Targaryen."

"What was he like?" I ask.

He pulls his face out of my hair. "He was a very wise man, he taught me patience, made me see reason..."

I smiled. "He sounds wonderful, I wish I had the chance to meet him."

He starts to play with my hair like he always does. He sits up against the headboard pulling me with him, I lay in-between his legs as he leans over to my ear.

"Would you like me to braid your hair? I am not as good as Missandei but I can try." he offers.

I turn to him shocked. "You can braid?"

He smiles. "Yes I can, sort of. I helped Arya with her hair when we were young so she wouldn't get in trouble from her mother."

I smile at him, laying a gentle kiss on his lips before turning my head forward so he could braid my hair. "Your adorable Jon Snow. Please braid my hair, thank you."

He begins to run his fingers through his hair while doing his braiding. "Maester Aemon once told me, 'A Taragaryen alone in the World, is a terrible thing.' I never quite understood that."

I take a deep breath. "I have a side of me I can't control, its my worst impulses. When I give into that side I can't see things properly, I sometimes even lose sense of reason. That's why I have so many advisors, I need them to keep me in check from my worst impulses...make sure I think before doing."

"Oh...Dany I am so sorry your the last of your family...I wish I could change that..." he says, with what I think is guilt, laced through his sad tone.

"I wish I could change that as well. I am not alone though Jon, I have you." I say softly and his fingers stop moving, he moves his hands down to my waist and pulls me up his chest against him. I rest my arms on his and snuggle into his warm neck.

"I would do anything for you Dany...your my everything...your the reason...your the reason I came back...ever since I came back from the dead, I have wondered why? Why me? Why am I back? Its you. Its you Dany, I came back for you." He whispers into my ear.

My heart does a flip in my chest and I soften into his arms. "Your my protection from this shitty world Jon...your my safety, you remind me not everything in this world needs to be fixed or changed, you remind me there are good things and people left in this cruel dark world. I know I say this a lot, but I love you Jon Snow."

"I love you too Dany, more then you could ever imagine..."

A/N: One or two more boat chapters before they head to Winterfell and the truth gets revealed.

Hope you enjoyed, Love y'all.

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