Silent Heart

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Dany lay down on her bed, allowing her tears to finally escape. Ghost followed Daenerys, jumping up and lying next to her, laying his head on her thigh, looking at her with bright red eyes.

He made a soft purr and Daenerys smiled at him as she reached to pat his big soft head.

"I am alright boy. Don't worry about me." She whispered, laughing softly when Ghost softly growled.

Ghost shifted his head to her stomach, sniffing and purring again.

"Sleep well Ghost." She smiled, stroking his fur once more before laying back down against the feathered pillow.

Ghost remained watching Dany, the way her face changed from tense to peaceful and relaxed as she drifted off. Only then did he allow himself to sleep.


Jon woke to an urgent knock on his door.

He sat upright when there were three more rapid knocks.

"Jon!" Sam called through the door.

"Aye?" Jon responded standing from his bed.

"Get changed quickly!"

"Why Sam?" Jon asked, Sam's tone worrying him.

"It's the Queen! Quick!"

Jon was certain he had felt fear before, fear when he stared into the Night King's icy blue eyes, fear when he turned to his night's watch  brothers and felt a blade sunk beneath his flesh, but this...

Jon put on his clothes in a rush, pulling the door open with force he took in Sam's expression.

"What is it?!" Jon asked urgently.

"Daenerys, she has fallen ill..." Sam said softly.

There it was again, the stab of fear that shot through every nerve in his body, the fear that locked his beating heart in a cold cage.

"What's wrong with her Sam?!" Jon yelled, Sam stepping back in shock.

"I-I...Jon I don't-

"Spit it out!" Jon shouted at his friend.

"I don't know Jon; she is just horribly pale and..."

"And what Sam?! Tell me!" Jon yelled, grabbing his friend's black tunic.

"Unconscious, she won't wake."

"Where?! Where is she?!" Jon roared, fear sparking in Sam's eyes.

"Her chambers!" Sam squeaked.

Jon let go of his friend and turned down the hall, his walking sped up until he was sprinting through the halls of Winterfell.

People stared curiously but Jon didn't care, he ran with everything he had.

Jon couldn't really feel his body, each step against the stonefloor reminding him he was still awake. He felt so numb, so much fear.

He didn't stop until he arrived at Daenerys's chamber door. He opened it and sped through, a surprised Missandei and Tyrion looking at him. Jon didn't look at either of them, instead, he walked past them both as they watched for his next move.

He stopped at the side of the bed, not processing what he was seeing, Daenerys looked deathly pale, her breaths were short and ragged, and he knew then he really hadn't experienced true fear before.

"Daenerys." Her name fell from his lips in a sob as he collapsed onto his knee and grabbed her unmoving hand off the bed, intertwining her fingers with his.

He faintly heard the door close as Tyrion and Missandei gave him the room alone. Well not entirely alone, Ghost rose from Daenerys's side and jumped off the bed, walking over to Jon and pressing against him in a comforting way.

Jon pressed his forehead into the bed and cried. He wanted to scream, punch something, slash something, do anything to relive him of the feeling he was experiencing.

He eventually pulled his face from the bed and gazed softly at Dany, he then reached out and tucked a loose curl of sliver hair behind her ear.

"Dany...Dany...Oh Dany..." he sobbed, biting his lower lip to stop it from shaking.

There was nothing he could think, nothing he could say, nothing he could do, that would wake her and that hurt the most. He was completely helpless.

A knock came from the door that caused Jon to flinch, he heard the door open and footsteps walk towards him.

"Jon, I am sorry, but I found and woke the Maester, we need to assess her again. Will you wait outside?" Sam asked, laying a hand on his shoulder.

Jon wiped his tear and stood. "Yeah, sure." He mumbled, he then stepped away and let go of Daenerys's hand.

He walked out into the hallway like a Ghost, closing the door behind him he swallowed heavily, his eyes focusing on the dark grey stones in front of him, some cracked and broken, while others perfect.

He clenched his fists as tears welled in his eyes. What would he do if Daenerys never woke? Who would he be without her?

Daenerys came into his life like a spreading wild fire, sweeping over everything until there was nothing left but her to think about, to dream about, to wish about, to hope about.

He threw his fist into the stone, wanting to scream out of the feeling in his heart but knowing there was no way he could. He wanted to blame something, blame someone. But there was nobody to blame, not even himself.

He heard quick steps and turned to see Arya approaching him, a slight worried frown creasing her brows.

"Jon, I heard of the Queen and tried to find you..." she trailed off when she looked into his eyes, radiating pain from what is normally a comforting gaze.

Arya stepped towards her brother, placing both hands on his shoulders.

"Breathe Jon." She spoke, pulling Jon from his tragic, horrid thoughts.

"I can't..." he rasped. "I can't do this Arya, I am not strong enough to be alone, I can't lose her, I can't."

Arya nodded slowly. "Take a deep breath, Jon." she commanded gently.

Jon did so, his beating heart slowing down in his chest.

"There you go, she will be alright Jon. You won't lose her." Arya whispered gently.

"You don't know that Arya." Jon argued.

Arya opened her mouth to argue but closed it when she realised he was right.

The door opened with a slight creak, gaining the attention of both Jon and Arya.

Sam indicated for them to come in, so they did, both hesitant.

Jon gave a longing sad stare at Daenerys before turning to face Sam.

"Do you know-"

"Not entirely," Sam cut in, "The Queen will be alright, she will wake up."

Jon released a breath in relief while Arya nodded slightly.

"But...we do not know what has caused her to fall into this deep sleep, but we have may the answer as to why..." Sam says slowly.

"Well? Sam please tell me." Jon begs.

"Rhaella, Daenerys's mother had birthing issues, lost multiple children and died giving birth to the Queen." Sam says, making sure his gaze stayed locked with Jon's. "It appears Daenerys is suffering from issues of her own."

The meaning took only near moments to hit Jon, leaving him staring shockingly at Sam, his next words causing Jon's breath to leave his lungs in a instant.

"The Queen is pregnant."

A/N: Happy New Years. Good luck in the year ahead of you 😘❤️

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