Always and Forever

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The Pain struct the depths of Dany's soul, she closed her eyes tight, Bran's words ringing through her mind like bells.

"Viserion has risen from the dead." "Viserion has risen from the dead."

"Viserion has risen from the dead." "Viserion has risen from the dead."

"Viserion has risen from the dead." "Viserion has risen from the dead."

Through her closed eyes tears welled and fell, running down her cheeks as the world around her faded out completely.

The sorrow she felt was like no other, the pain within her reached her very core. 

Viserions death had almost destroyed her, it had completely broken her, every wall she had put up tumbled down like water in a waterfall, her heart cracked and Daenerys Targaryen broke. 

If Jon hadn't been there....

But he was...and when she shattered, he was pick up the pieces...and put her back together.

Her breaths were shaggy, her heart pounding in her chest, every beat sending sadness through her, every thump causing pain too great to imagine. 

Her calmest and most gentle child was not only killed by a monster, but was now his slave. A undead slave. 'A dragon is not a slave.'  Yet Viserion was...and there was nothing she could do about it.

Then when she thought her pain would interlope her, a hand wrapped itself within hers, interlocking her fingers with its warm ones.

"Dany...." Jon's voice whispered.

She cracked her eyes open and to her surprise the room had been cleared out. She turned her head towards Jon, a blank look on his face, however his eyes were expressing the emotion his face was hiding. He looked as broken as her.

She took a shaky deep breath, having an overwhelming need to lie down so she wouldn't pass out this instant. Her mind going foggy with pain...sadness...and anger.

"I need to lie down." She whispers, not looking at him, knowing if she did this would all become too real.

Daenerys quickly stood up and left, almost pausing when he called her name. She asked a maid where her chambers were and was then leaded to her own chamber, a warm fire already burning away at some wood.

She sat in the seat near the fire...and sobbed.


Jon watched Dany leave, his heart growing heavier every step she took to get further away from him.

She closed the door behind her, not even looking back at him. He almost let a tear fall but was able to hold it in, acknowledging his siblings were probably watching him. 

He turned towards them, anger boiling within his blood and bones. If looks could kill, Bran and Sansa Starks bodies would be rotting in the crypts.

He first directed his attention towards his sister. "I am trying to keep the peace. But at every turn and every chance, you spoke against me and argued with our Queen." His voice was scary calm, his eyes cold.

"Of course I did! Why did you bring her here? Why-"

"Sansa, you will accept her as your Queen and you will never, ever, humiliate me like that in front of everyone, every again. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!" Jon roars standing up, slamming his fist against the table.

Sansa jolts in her seat and Arya stands as well. "Jon, Sansa is your sister. Don't tell me you are taking the side of a Targaryen over your own sister."

Jon narrows his eyes at Sansa then at Arya before letting out a breath he had clearly been holding in. "I am sorry for that outburst...but I am serious Sansa...Daenerys is your Queen and you have to accept that."

Sansa opens her mouth to argue, but closes it when Jon shoots her a warning look.

Jon's eyes now focus on his brother. "Bran, why did you have to inform everybody like that? This is massive horrible news and you just told everyone like it wasn't that big of a deal!"

"Jon, the people needed to know, Daenerys needed to know." Bran argues.

Jon sighs. "Daenerys..." he realizes she is now alone. "I have to go..." He mumbles, deciding there is no point being in this room anymore, when the person that needs him is somewhere else.

He pushes his chair in and begins to walk for the door.

"Jon." Bran calls out. Jon stops and turns to his brother with his hand on the door handle.


"I need to speak to you now. There's something you need to know." He says.

Jon frowns, wondering what it could be. but knowing there is something more important he is needed for in this moment.

"Later okay Bran?" Jon replies.

"No Jon, you need to know now." Bran says firmly.

Jon takes a deep breath.

"Later Bran. I am needed elsewhere." Jon replies his voice stern.

Before Bran could say more, he storms out of the room, closing the door heavily behind him.


She had been there for some time now, her tear ducts dry and her eyes sore. She was now just staring at the flames, as they were devouring the little amount of wood left.

She needed someone to hold her close, tell her everything would be alright...but she was alone in the room, it's dark cold atmosphere chilling her bones where she needed warmth the most.

Suddenly there was warmth, the cold evaporating as hands rested on his knees, Jon's face appearing in her view, as he knelt in front of her. 

"Daenerys..." he whispers softly.

She has no words and can only gaze into his dark brown eyes.

He stands up and opens his arms. "Come here." he whispers.

She slowly gets up and before she can fully straighten herself, Jon has his muscular warm arms wrapped tightly around her.

She doesn't hesitate to sink into his warmth, his comfort and his love. 

"I am so sorry Daenerys...I know me saying those words does nothing for your pain, but I feel I must say them, because it is my fault." He says gently and hoarsely.

Daenerys still can't find the strength to talk, so she remains unmoving in Jon's arms, as he gently rocks them both side to side, stroking her hair as she rests against his chest.

"Dany...what can I do to make you feel less of this great pain?" He asks desperately.

She looks up to him, her eyes red from crying, her purple orbs glassy with unshed tears as she gazes into the eyes of her loving Wolf.

"Be here with me...don't let go of me." She whispers, looking down to the floor.

Jon's finger reaches under her chin, she lets him pull her head back up to face him. His eyes are full of emotions, too many to read. Almost. There was one that shone above all others. His dark brown eyes, eyes she loved more then anyone gazed back at her, full of love, from the bottom of his soul.

He leaned in, connecting their foreheads so they could be closer, so they could feel more. 

"Always Dany...always and forever."

A/N: Ok so, I had terrible writers block and managed to force myself to write this for the sake of you guys. Only to come within fifty words of finishing and losing all of it. 

Though I was pissed off and really not in the mood, I wrote this again, because I thought that maybe...just maybe I could make someones day a little better.

So here you go, hope you enjoyed, I am very grateful to you for making this a hobby I enjoy very much.

Love all of you.

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