Do You Understand?

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I woke up to the sun shining, the gentle push of waves rocking the boat slightly, I turned and immediately sat up. 

Jon wasn't there.

I quickly scanned the room and found he wasn't there either.

With an annoyed puff I stood up, just as the door opened and Missy walked in, I smiled at her and sat down on my chair.

She walked behind me and started doing up my hair for the day.

I normally make conversation with her, but today I just want to find Jon, Punch him and then kiss him.

"Where is your mind Daenerys?" Missy asks.

"Oh, um... on where Jon Snow is." I respond and Missy smiles.

"He is playing cards at breakfast with Davos, Tyrion and the captain." She responds as I feel her finally finish my long braids.

She stands me up and I put on my red dress and boots. I then walk out of my chambers, Missy following close behind me.

I make my way through the boat and hear laughing as I approach one of the common rooms. I pause for a second at the door, straightening my posture before grabbed the door handle and pushing the door in, walking in with a long stride.

I instantly make eye contact with him, but we both break it after a short nod to avoid detection from Tyrion and Jorah who were watching us closely.

I knew Davos and Missy knew, Jon told me Davos came to him after the first night saying to try and keep me quiet.

That was quite embarrassing to hear, even though Jon said Davos didn't mind. Found it amusing even...

"Good Morrow my Queen." Tyrion says with a bright smile.

"Khaleesi." Jorah says with a nod.

"Morin My Queen." Davos says then winks at me, I feel my cheeks go slightly red.

"Morning Your Grace." The captain says with a massive smile.

"Good Morning My Queen. Sleep well?" Jon smiles brightly at me.

I smile at everyone. "I did sleep well; I hope everyone here did as well?"

They all nod. I smile and sit-down in-between Jorah and Missy, across from Jon.

A server brings over some breakfast and I dig in realizing how hungry I am.

I look around the table and find them all chatting and laughing, well all except one.

Jon is leaning back in his chair, his eyes fixated on me, looking at me with so much...I don't even know...lust? Love? Pride? All of them? But whatever it's turning me on.

His eyes so dark...his look so tempting...pulling me in...leaving me searching desperately for more...

His eyes so much like a wolf...he is hunting down his prey and currently I am that prey. 

I swallow hard and look down at my food to avoid the gaze of my hungry wolf.

"Your Grace?" The captain's voice says pulling me from my...thoughts...

"Yes?" I respond making eye contact with the man I was starting to get to know.

We had now been on this boat for four days; I hadn't done much but sometimes meet with sailors and have meals with my advisors. Most of the time I was with Jon, I had already lost count at exactly how many times we have made love on this boat.

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