Chapter One- Here Lies Hope

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TWs: Bullying, Suicidal Thoughts, Neglect, and Implied Abuse


It was a welcomed spring day, the kind where just the right amount of sunlight trickled through the clouds to be pleasantly warm, even with the refreshing breeze that buffeted gently against all it came in contact with. One such burst of wind carried the smell of not-yet-trampled daisies in the field over to the small figure of Remus Lupin.

With ink on his hand from idly scribbling after finishing his literature exam early, the boy whose minute smile detracted slightly from the dark bags under his eyes was standing, poised to flee if the situation called for it, by his favorite tree out in the schoolyard. The slight curve of his lips wasn't directed at anyone but rather came from him getting lost in the thoughts of a summer away from this dreary place. He was so lost in his thoughts, a rather common occurrence for him, that he didn't realize people were creeping up on him until it was too late.

Several pairs of rough hands shoved him down onto the ground causing his head to hit the dirt hard, momentarily stunning him. No less than six older boys positioned themselves in a circle around him, successfully blocking their victim from the teacher's view.

"YOU'RE A FREAK!" came the roar that echoed in his ears ringing from the impact.

He winced at the volume and braced himself for what was to come. He tried to sit up, dirt in his mouth, blood leaking from his nose. He didn't get far as a heavy boot connected with his ribs over and over. His mum had told him how to deal with bullies, "Kill them with kindness, Remus darling." She had instructed him this over and over. It had never worked and he knew it never would. He was too different from them, too easy a target.

Even the teachers didn't seem to care about the small ten-year-old who had disrupted class more than once. Papers flying, glass shattering, and school pets escaping were all blamed on Remus. No one could explain how he did it. Of course, he could. It was the same reason his father could levitate things with the flick of the wand. The same reason his mum lit up when his father conjured a flower for her. Magic.

It still sounded funny on his tongue every time he whispered it to himself, forcing himself to believe it would bring him something other than the misery it always seemed to. But he could never tell that to the boys kicking and taunting him, couldn't even tell the teachers who would smile at him one minute for his grades and shout at him the next when he "skipped school too often" and "caused so much disruption."

However, even if he wasn't surrounded by Muggle children he'd undoubtedly be in the same position. For Remus Lupin's oddness stretched beyond being a wizard. His oddness was much more than that. It was painstakingly, torturously more, and he only had himself to blame.

"LOOPY, LOONY, LUPIN!" the bullies jeered, giving up their ineffective assault on the stoic boy for petty name-calling. He didn't dare move for fear the rocks would start flying, a favorite pastime of the kids. They desperately wanted him to cry, and part of him reasoned that if he did cry, they might leave him alone. Sure, they would laugh at him, but there was something about tears that suddenly made even the most unobservant teacher rush over. However, he refused to give them that satisfaction—plus, he dealt with so much worse on a monthly basis, so this really wasn't all that bad.


The words blurred together, barely comprehendible. He was falling away from the conversation into the dark pit that consumed his thoughts every time he was reminded of the monster he was. His fault, it was all his fault. He was an insolent child, a bad child. That much was certain.

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