Chapter Thirty-Five- A Lack of Answers and a Surplus of "Friends"

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TWs: Implications and Mentions of Abuse and Past Traumatic Experiences


They found a small oak tree to sit under. Drommie melted the snow so they could sit on the ground without their arses getting wet. There was an awkward pause as neither of them seemed to know what to say.

"I heard about what happened," she began.

"I know."

"I'm sorry."

"I know."

"Sirius, please talk to me. You grew up crying to me, don't stop now."

"I shouldn't be sad. I mean, he's the 'wrong kind of friend.' Why should I care?"

"You know I don't care about that in the slightest," she huffed. He knew she didn't, but he was finding this harder than he thought it would be. Where he had been so close to crying before, now he couldn't seem to muster a tear even if his life depended on it. Though he wanted to hold his cousin's hand his own wouldn't seem to cooperate.

"We weren't even that close," he pointed out, finding pushing her away to be the easiest option.


Sirius looked at Drommie, startled and defensive. It's not like she kept tabs on him that well. She had been too busy with her Hufflepuff boyfriend she shouldn't have.

"How do you know?" he asked angrily. She seemed to realize he wasn't just upset about the situation finally, because she glanced around and lowered her voice.

"Is this about Ted?"

"Not everything is about your boyfriend."

"Sirius, stop that. I told you I was being careful."


She gave him a wry unamused smile,"How do you know?"

"You didn't answer my question," he pointed out, knowing he sounded like a pouty kid. But Drommie, unlike Narcissa, didn't look down on him. Realizing she wouldn't, nor would she tell, his eyes watered once more.

"Because when you get involved with someone or something you are all in. Plus I've heard about the trouble you get in with your little group. Remus was a part of that. So I know you care about him a lot."

The fact that Drommie knew Remus' name broke the last prideful barrier that was keeping Sirius' composure. He burst into tears and Drommie pulled him into a tight hug. It felt really good to have her support and care, he just wished there were more members of his family who loved him this way.


Crying his heart out to Drommie helped him marginally. When the others returned Sirius was able to go to class with them and somehow focus on the subjects. In fact, he and James had become very attentive students. After all, it was better to pay attention than to start the whispered conversations they usually did. They would just end up talking about Remus, or feeling guilty for not talking about him. Peter, and surprisingly Lily, both couldn't seem to focus on the class at all.

Peter had set his book down and was asleep. Lily had another book hidden behind her book and was scanning through lines of complicated medical texts with such intensity she didn't jump on every question like she usually did.

"Ms. Evans, would you like to put down your book and join the class?" Professor McGonagall was standing in front of Lily's desk, watching her with a serious expression.

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