Chapter Thirty-Seven- The Return of Remus Lupin

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TW: Mentions of Past Traumatic Experience


Sirius watched in horror, realizing Remus was a monster.

Not a literal one obviously, that would be ludicrous! But Remus was quite the terrifying metaphorical one. Sirius had assumed things would go back to normal as soon as Remus woke up. However, he hadn't counted on the fact Remus had missed so much homework and was behind in all his classes.

He thought Lily was scary when she was stressed about tests but she was a kitten compared to Remus. The usual calm quiet boy had been transformed into a raging ball of anti-social ness. He snapped at everyone and they all gave him a wide berth, even Lily, unless they were talking about studies.

"We've got to do something, Sirius, he's going to hurl himself off a tower out of his own free will if we don't get him to relax soon."

Sirius nodded absentmindedly, watching Remus scan through three books at once with irritation stuck in what was becoming his regular table in the library. The stressed boy no longer sat anymore just hunched himself over the table scanning page after page in a manner that Sirius would have imagined being extremely confusing.

"We've offered to help but he's so bloody proud! He won't even let the professors help him because he doesn't want 'special privileges," Sirius grumbled, remembering how after Remus' first day back to classes Flitwick had to beg Remus to stay after class so he could go over the severing charm with him.

In fact, throughout the week Remus seemed to be avoiding all the professors, and Sirius wasn't entirely convinced it all had to do with pride. He still hadn't forgotten Remus' comment about a teacher causing the drama around Hogwarts. But talking to Remus about anything other than studies resulted in the stubborn boy pretending his roommates didn't exist or quite the tongue lashing.

Gone were the days when Remus hadn't seemed able to express his irritation with his friends. Now he had the confidence to tell them to bugger off.

Sirius just hoped Remus wouldn't want them to bugger off forever. Sirius knew Remus had told him what happened to him wasn't his fault, but it was hard not to feel like Remus wasn't mad at him with how touchy and bristly he'd been.

"Yes, but you know how he is. He nearly bit my head off for slipping him my Transfiguration homework the other day. He actually called me a cheater. To think I ever thought he was nice," James sighed dramatically. Sirius knew James was joking, but still felt the strong need to defend Remus.

"I mean..." Sirius tried.'s just..."

"I know, mate. If I cared about my marks and was in a coma for over a week I reckon I'd be the same way."

"Plus he hasn't been sleeping..."

"Ugh, neither have we!" James groaned. Only Peter had been getting much sleep in their dorm lately.

James had even slept on the couch in the common room a few nights. Sirius couldn't blame him since Remus woke up every night, multiple times, with a shout of panic, absolutely terrified. Sometimes the boy would pace around looking mad, a crazed wild look in his eyes, and fall back asleep an hour or so later. Even when they attempted to talk to him Remus didn't seem to realize they were there, even with the lights on, so they had taken to trying to ignore it.

It really creeped both of them out and they couldn't seem to find time to talk about it to Remus. Each morning if Remus remembered he stubbornly pretended not to. They all were just holding out, waiting for Remus to catch up so he'd go back to his usual self, who they missed desperately.

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