Chapter Twenty-Six- Lumpy Scarves and Secret Passageways

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TW: Implications of Abuse


Peter was very glad that he could honestly tell his mother his grades, which were all respectable. She had heard he had gotten detention for looking off James' homework and had been ever so disappointed in him since. It was hard for Peter, it had always been hard for him to do magic considering he had grown up with the possibility that he might be a squib since his mother was one.

But not only had he proven their worries wrong, but he was amongst some of the top students in his grade, thanks a great deal to Remus' patience in tutoring him. His friend Remus was the first person, besides his family, to ever tell Peter he was smart.

"Course I'm not, Remus. I'm rubbish at all of this," he had responded, figuring Remus hadn't realized this, as in the beginning, after the train, he seemed to want nothing to do with them.

"Yes, you are, Peter. You just learn a bit differently than others, that's all. Once you hear it you're awfully good at the spells. It's just you read a bit slower than others, that's all," Remus had responded in his typical quiet yet encouraging manner.

Peter was fond of all his friends, though Sirius scared him from time to time. So as soon as he hopped off the train and waved goodbye to Sirius, who had grown quite moody on the train, and James, who was cheerful as always. Then he had set out to find his family, a little torn at leaving his friends.

While Sirius and James didn't seem to care to hear much about his family Remus always listened to him, even if he knew Peter's story would be boring. Sometimes he looked awfully sad when Peter was telling him about his family and all the fun his younger brother, he, and his mum got into. Remus was polite enough never to ask about his dad, so Peter was polite enough never to ask why he looked so sad.

Of course, he knew now. That's why he hadn't brushed off his mother's suffocating hug like he normally would, realizing how lucky he was that she was healthy and happy. Neither Sirius nor Remus' family seemed very nice. And after months away at school, Peter had found he rather missed his.

"Oh Petey darling, how I've missed you!" his mother cooed, smoothing his hair and clasping her hands around his cheeks so she could kiss his forehead. It would have been embarrassing but Peter realized most first years were being greeted in the same manner. From the corner of his eye, he could see James' older parents sandwiching him between them in a fashion that made him miss his dad terribly.

"Yeah, Petey! We missed you thiiiiis much!" pipped up his little brother, hopping around Peter's feet with enthusiasm.

"I've missed you all too," he responded affectionately. Then they headed out where his grandparents were waiting, away from the crowds. They hugged and kissed him in a similar fashion to his mother, and the five of them went home. It felt good to be home. Peter showed off his magical skills to his five-year-old brother until he was caught and scolded by his mother.

His grandparents were a little more understanding. He spent the first evening back curled up on the couch with his brother and mother listening to his grandparents recount their illegal magic use upon returning home for the holidays.

"It's expected, really," his grandfather chuckled.

All in all, Peter's holidays flew by much too fast for his liking. He spent several large family dinners with his many aunts and uncles and was delighted to find out one of his aunts was pregnant. His mother was the oldest by almost 15 years in her family, and as such most of Peter's aunts and uncles were in their early 20s and two had just graduated from Hogwarts last year.

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