Chapter Fifty-Seven- Toe Rags and Tactics

978 65 142


"Well blimey, Sirius. I think Nymphadora and Harry are both ridiculous baby names," James laughed as he versed Sirius in a game of chess downstairs in the common room. It had been nearly a week since Drommie had told him about the baby that was killed and the one that survived. Since that day, Sirius realized Ted was sort of an ok bloke and that both Remus and his cousin had absolutely no taste for names.

"Why are you discussing baby names? But I think Harry is a wonderful name! Why are you discussing baby names, anyways?" Lily asked, coming over and watching their game.

"Harry? You're joking!" James exclaimed in disbelief.

"No, I'm not. It's a name that dates all the way back to medieval times and there's royalty named Harry. Not to mention several medieval wizards who were all great duelists."

"Really?" James asked, sounding intrigued despite himself.

"Yes. Perhaps you would know that if you paid attention during History of Magic."

James rolled his eyes in response to that, Lily pursed her lips. But she must have really wanted something out of them because she didn't stomp off like she often did after no more than a few seconds of conversation with James.

"Now why are you two discussing baby names?" she asked again. James looked to Sirius to answer, which was a big mistake.

"Well, of course, we are discussing when James and I adopt our children. It's never too early to think about the future with someone you are madly in love with!" he cried out dramatically, making James go red and tip over his chair with his feet. Sirius went sprawling across the floor laughing, and despite being embarrassed initially, James was laughing now too.

"But dear, I won't have our children be named Harry and Nymphadora. I simply won't allow it," James played along, as Sirius uprighted his chair again, grinning wickedly as Lily crossed her arms looking peeved.

"Then we need to break up! You know how important naming our son Harry is to me. After the song, 'I'm Just Wild About Harry!'"

James gave him a confused look. Lily covered her mouth, letting out a sharp laugh.

"Sirius, how on earth do you know about that song?" she asked.

"Muggle music is absolute magic! My uncle gives me lots of old records." The Black replied quickly.

Sirius wasn't sure how to feel about her comment. Expecting judgment, he knew he sounded defensive. But instead of saying it was ridiculous of him to like Muggle music and he should study, or something equally obnoxious, she gave him a bright smile.

"Have you listened to Doris Day? My mum loves her!" Lily asked eagerly.

"A poet who speaks to my heart!" he exclaimed, despite not knowing who that was, just to irritate James. Which it did.

"Oi, you two aren't allowed to get along!" James whined.

"Why ever not, Potter? I have the right to get along with whoever I want. You certainly have no say over me," Lily replied in a cold tone that would suggest one should proceed cautiously.

Sirius smirked, enjoying James' talent at saying precisely all the wrong things around Lily. It was truly an art, like watching a masterpiece unfold. James looked nervous, the color draining from his face. "I didn't mean you couldn't," he attempted, quickly becoming rather tongue tied." You're a girl. Er..a lady and of course, you can get along with whoever. Well, not whoever, but..."

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