Chapter Fifty-One- Pensive Potter

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Remus was right to assume he was going to be interrogated for disappearing when he returned. But they seemed to buy his lie about falling asleep and the rest of the evening was a peaceful one.

However, the next morning when he woke early as usual in order to change and shower in peace, he found James waiting for him after the fact.

His friend was sitting on his bed, fully dressed, and seemed possibly bothered by something.

"Happy birthday, James. You ok?" Remus asked, wondering why the boy was up so early and frowning thoughtfully as he was.

"Remus, can we talk?" James asked, looking upset and definitely bothered by something. Remus could tell due to the way his friend was holding his chin like he always did when displeased by something he couldn't figure out.

"Um, sure?" Remus was considerably confused, rather than concerned. Perhaps it was school-related, as he didn't associate James with deeply uncomfortable questions. In fact, out of all his friends, James seemed to give him the most space, either because he knew Remus needed to in order to balance Sirius or because he didn't know what to say.

So it didn't occur to Remus it might be different this time. He simply followed James, having dressed in the bathroom like always, and the two of them went down into the common room which was deserted. The remains of someone occupying the area earlier was evident by the roaring fire, candy wrappers, and pillows on the fur carpet rather than the couch.

It was only when James resumed his position that Remus realized with concern that he had been up before him.

"Why didn't you sleep last night?" Remus asked worriedly.

James looked hesitant. Sitting up, hugging the pillow close to his chest, he leaning back against the couch. He patted the spot next to him, an invitation for Remus to join, and seemed to be thinking carefully about how to respond.

Remus hesitated but ultimately sat down. This was James after-all. Not Sirius.

"Well...I'll tell you, but...can I ask you a question first?" James ventured unsuredly.

"Sure," Remus replied, still drowsy and tired, not a morning person despite what all his friends thought. Besides, he was used to James' questions, each more insignificant and silly than the last one. James had recently been asking 'would you rather questions' to all the boys in the dorm. Remus wasn't sure if James did it to ease tensions, cause people to laugh, or because he was actually curious about the answers. But he had come to expect such questions from James by now.

James nodded. He wasn't smiling nor was he frowning. He looked rather neutral as he sometimes did when he was in what Sirius called a 'Pensive Potter' mood. Remus was beginning to feel a little worried now. He wasn't used to James being so serious around just him like this.

"Where did you go during my party? I was hanging pretty high up you know..." James' tone was calm, though he sounded hurt. Remus realized in horror that James had seen him exit the Slytherin bleachers, coming from exactly where the Slytherins who attacked had been.

"It's not what you think! I wasn't one of the attackers, I promise!" Remus shouted, terrified this would be like the letter fiasco all over again.

He wasn't sure what he'd do if they all started thinking he was some sort of Slytherin supporter. They already gave him trouble over hanging out with Severus. What if they didn't see it as a big stretch? Then he saw James' baffled look before the birthday boy burst out laughing.

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