Chapter Fifteen- Fleeing Friendships

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Remus' sudden escape from the classroom luckily went unnoticed. As soon as Remus was in the hall he crashed to the ground, the world spinning badly. Fortunately, everyone was finishing up classes and he was able to spend the few necessary minutes letting the effects of the aconite wear off.

It took a lot of determination, but he managed to get to his feet just as the rest of the class came pouring out. He could do nothing but lean against the far wall and hope he went unnoticed as everyone spread out their different ways based on how they planned to spend the next half hour before dinner. But his attempt to go unnoticed was quickly unsuccessful due to his three roommates.

"Why didn't you stay for the rest of the class Remus?" Peter was the first to spot and reach him, looking concerned.

"Well isn't it obvious, Peter? Our dear old Remus is allergic to laughing." Sirius seemed highly amused by this. Considering Remus had no other excuse he didn't refute it.

"Are you alright? You aren't looking well," James pointed out, a bit concerned now too. Even Sirius looked concerned, his slightly mocking tone replaced with a sincere one.

"You look like you're going to pass out, mate."

"'Mm fine," Remus mumbled, feeling anything but.

"He gets like this in every potions class... just about," Peter pointed out unhelpfully.

"Well blimey mate, maybe you really are allergic to something in Professor Slughorn's stock."

"No!" he exclaimed abruptly, knowing he had to come up with something fast before his clever roommates explored that possibility further.

"No? Then what?" Sirius pushed, his eyes narrowed in that familiar way again which meant he'd be watching Remus' every move.

"I...I just always get faint since I keep missing lunch, and by potions, I'm really hungry."

It was believable, sincere, and it worked!

All three boys relaxed and had multiple levels of disapproval on their features. Sirius had the most disapproval. The boy shook his head, taking in Remus as a disapproving mother might have.

"You need to stop doing that. You skip far too many meals, young man," he scolded with an old woman accent that could have badly passed as someone's grandma.

"I know," he responded seriously. Sirius' face crumpled with slight disappointment.

"Yes you do, but you were supposed to come up with something witty, like yesterday. I tell you guys he was bloody brilliant. Mr. What!" Sirius chuckled, and James looked between the two of them with disbelief, clearly finding it impossible that Remus would make a joke. Peter seemed just as dubious over this which left Sirius looking a bit crazy. The Black heir sighed dramatically, but waved them off like a good sport.

"Well, I think we ought to make sure this one doesn't weasel out of dinner as well."

That was the last thing Remus wanted. Remus really had planned to eat a big dinner, he'd need it. But if his roommates were planning to hound him until then, well, that was an awful lot of time to spend with them. Peter and James seemed to come to the same conclusion and neither of them seemed particularly thrilled.

"Well, what would you like to do until then, Remus?" James asked with the air of trying to appease someone but knowing he wouldn't have fun. He felt a little hurt, but considering he was just going to study until dinner he didn't have much room to complain. He knew he was boring, which is why he couldn't believe his roommates were even willing to hang out with him.

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