Chapter Six- Hatstalls and The Friendless First Year

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Remus hated that his eyes were full of tears. After all the things the muggle bullies had done to him, the overused drawings all over his face shouldn't upset him so much. It had happened to him many times before, though done without magic, so it didn't take long to figure out why they were laughing at him. Still, he couldn't help that they had got to him, he really had thought things were going to be different.

Realizing how stupid of a thought this was, he kept his head down rushing for the nearest bathroom. He couldn't understand why he hadn't woken up while they were drawing on him and supposed he had just been that tired. He supposed it was his fault for falling asleep in the first place. Worst of all was that Peter had been laughing along. He thought the two of them had rather hit it off.

The first time he was woken, Remus' head had been throbbing. He was still trying to escape the lingerings of the nightmare and he knew he must have appeared very rude to the boy with storm-cloud eyes. He really should have made a better impression, but the very well-off-looking boy had left in a huff before Remus could apologize. Still, he didn't think the retaliation had been called for. Especially since the boy had successfully isolated Remus from the one friendly acquaintance he was beginning to believe he had made.

Peter had been so nervous to come into his compartment shortly after the other boy had woken Remus up. Remus had been more composed by then. Which meant he had been able to make a polite introduction in return. He had smiled kindly at the boy and listened patiently as Peter released a torrent of worries, many of which Remus shared himself.

They had then discussed in low whispers what they suspected Hogwarts would be like. Peter relayed to him what his parents had told him, both of which were magical. Remus recalled what little he had read from Hogwarts: A History that he had found amongst his father's books. With permission, he had spent days over the summer pouring over it and his other textbooks, any free minute he had devoted to studying.

Then when the time came, he had packed his father's book with his own things. At Peter's insistence, he had gotten out the book to show him. He spent the next few hours reading out loud to Peter who honestly seemed interested in the subject. Somewhere along the line Remus must have dozed off, which is why his face was now covered in probably very crude shapes and words.

"Oh, sorry!"

Someone had bumped into him as he walked along with his head down. Instinctively he looked up and regretted it immediately.

A young girl with the most brightly sunset-colored hair he had ever seen, was carrying a much nicer copy of Hogwarts: A History and had apparently been reading it while walking which led to the collision. Her calming emerald eyes widened in horror and then filled with pity. Remus felt himself go red and quickly ducked his head again, but the damage was already done.

"How awful! Who did that to you? It's simply dreadful!"

She had a proper-sounding accent that was similar to the first boy Remus had met. She sincerely seemed concerned about him which took him by surprise. Remus blinked back tears feeling hot with shame.

"'s nothing...just a prank."

"It's a dreadful prank and very immature. Oooo, I bet it was Potter and Black. They seem like the sort after how they teased Sev. You're a first-year too, right?"

Her fast-talking had increased in speed as she seemed to be getting quite worked up. Only Remus wasn't sure if it was for his behalf or this "Sev" person she mentioned. Assuming it must be the latter, he tried to sneak around her.

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