Chapter Sixty- (January 13th, 1971)

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Remus was led unceremoniously through the castle, up and down again with his head forced down. While he managed to keep his focus on where they were in Hogwarts he soon lost track, more concentrated on keeping his ears peeled for a professor. As they walked through the castle, it became apparent the Slytherins were just as skilled as his roommates in avoiding professors when needed.

Rosier walked behind him, his wand digging painfully into Remus' back. Mulciber walked side-by-side with Severus, quite pleased with the boy who seemed to have jumped to first place with whatever competition they were putting the first years through. Remus knew about the competition because Rosier had a bad habit of muttering bitterly to himself when he was jealous. Remus got the rundown on the strange club driven by the seventh-year Slytherin students. Apparently, the club consisted of like-minded purebloods who were given tasks to fulfill in order to make the Muggle-born students' and friends' lives worse. These 'tests' given to the younger students so they could gain approval and prestige ranged from stealing homework to hexing Muggleborn students. It was disgusting but mostly made sense in how it operated, with its militaristic usury approach to friendship.

The Gryffindor only remained lost as to who this dark lord was. A seventh year? Remus didn't think so. Besides, if that was the case Dumbledore wouldn't be gone for the weekend. More likely than not, it was a cruel parent who supported their child's cruel extracurriculars.

They had all pulled the hoods on their winter robes up over their heads except for Rosier. The older student was forced to give his to Remus so he looked, to the many students passing in ones or twos, like a Slytherin. As they entered another corridor, Remus wasn't entirely sure where anymore, he finally heard a professor. Recognizing the voice, he grappled whether the Slytherin Head of House would help or not. This was both because Professor Slughorn didn't seem to even know he existed and he wasn't sure if the older man would favor his house students, especially over a student who didn't have famous relatives and did poorly in potions.

"Professor Slughorn!" Remus yelped, deciding he had to at least try. It was common knowledge that professors were expected to stroll around the castle from time to time to keep an eye on students, but if there was any professor that didn't abide by that rule it was the amused sounding man greeting his students pleasantly. This probably meant they were somewhere in the dungeons, which only furthered to fill Remus with dread.

"Huh? Well, hello boys. Up for a late-night stroll? Best be getting back to your dorms," came the good-natured chuckle of their clueless professor.

"Sir, help!" Remus shouted. Rosier jammed the tip of his wand hard into his captive's side, muttering "Silencio."

"Yes, sir. Help me with my potions project next class period please," Severus quickly interceded, negating Remus' attempt at help and successfully impressing Mulciber all over again. Remus felt his irritation with Severus grow and felt quite betrayed.

"Oh? Yes, yes, of course, Severus my boy. Though I doubt you need much help. You're one of my best students," came the professor's reply.

Remus tried to speak and was going to move around, something to draw the professor's attention. But someone had cast a full body lock curse on him, probably Mulciber, and he was panicking too much to think clearly.

His vision went black and splotchy as Remus began to hyperventilate. If there was one thing that sent him back to that dilapidated house with the shadow man, it was not being able to move. He wasn't aware of Slughorn leaving, of being carried like a board quickly up even more stairs and into some sort of room.

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