Chapter Eight- The Beginnings of Suspicion and Intrigue

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"OW!" hissed the boy on top of him.

"Sirius?" Remus questioned, pretty sure he recognized the voice.

"Salazar Slytherin! What the bloody hell are you doing, Remus?"

Sure enough, it was Sirius. He got off him and helped him to his feet sounding amused, as if the previous outbursts hadn't happened at all.

"Are you alright?" he had asked, before realizing it might not be the best idea. He was sure this would set off Sirius again. But instead, he laughed. It was a tense laugh but he truly seemed amused, and Remus for the life of him couldn't figure out why.

"Please be quiet, it's past curfew," Remus muttered, trying to calm down. Sirius scoffed but still sounded amused.

"Well, you don't seem to care about rules much yourself, seeing as you are out here."

"I'm only out here looking for you," he responded without thinking. Remus was very stressed to be standing in the middle of the nearly pitch-black corridor waiting for someone to find them. There was a long silence. Unable to see much of anything, Remus thought Sirius must have ditched him.

"'re out here because you were worried about me?"

Remus jumped, surprised Sirius was still there. The boy had grabbed his shoulder tightly. He wasn't sure if it was supposed to be a threatening gesture, as Sirius sounded more stunned than anything but Remus took it as such. He desperately did not want to deal with any more drama and wanted simply to get back to his bed before they got expelled.

"Please, can we go back now?" Remus asked pleadingly, unsure what he would do if he got in trouble at school this soon. More importantly, he was unsure what his father would do.

"But I thought you hated me?" Sirius asked coldly.

This definitely caught Remus off guard. Him? Hate Sirius? Whatever for? He wasn't so petty as to hold one, rather cruel, prank against someone. Though he had a feeling that wasn't why Sirius thought he didn't like him. It must have been because he couldn't see Sirius, or maybe it was the hand still on his shoulder but Remus found himself answering truthfully.

"Hate you? But you are the one that hates me!"

There was a long silence as both boys digested the words spoken.

"So aren't judging me because I'm a Black?"

"A what?"

"A Black. I am the heir of the house of Black," he sounded offended now, as if he thought Remus was mocking him.

Instead, the very tired Remus was simply becoming more confused and stressed by the minute.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what that is. But can we please go back? We are going to get caught."

However, Sirius seemed to discard the second part of his sentence entirely, making no move to go back or let Remus go.

"But you seemed afraid of me on the train and all defensive, as if you knew who I was. As if you figured I'd be a pureblood bastard like my family!"

"Is that why you got mad at James?" he asked, nervous as to where Sirius' line of questioning was going. He had indeed been afraid of Sirius but not because of his heritage or family, simply because he thought the shadow man had come to take him away again. However, he never could explain this to him nor did he want to. Luckily, the question seemed to throw Sirius off-topic.

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