Chapter Forty-Six- Sneaky Sassy Slytherins

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TW: Mentions of Abuse


They continued talking, homework forgotten until it was time for lunch. After lunch, Remus convinced them he had to focus on his homework. A tense silence followed for a moment as his three friends thought they realized what significance this held. They let him, with much complaining, go to the library to study with Lily. Only Remus didn't really want to see anyone so he went to the owlery, an almost guaranteed place to be alone at this time and day, in order to think and respond to his uncle.

Once he got up there he realized with a pang that the owlry wasn't empty. Instead, Lucius Malfoy was just finishing tying a letter to an owl's leg. He whipped around sharply as if expecting to get in trouble for what he was doing, then narrowed his cold grey eyes at Remus.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't a filthy little half breed. Come to jump out of another window?" Lucius drawled in an almost bored tone. Remus had to remind himself that Lucius called every muggle born a "half-breed" since he found it amusing. It never helped hearing that word though, considering it was far too accurate for the young werewolf's comfort. Remus took a step back, feeling very uneasy with the older Slytherin and his awful sense of humor. Remus then bumped into Severus, who looked worried for a second before his eyes hardened.

"There you are, Severus," Lucius responded with more warmth than Remus had ever before heard in his voice.

"Should I escort Mr. Lupin back downstairs, sir?" Severus asked with an almost reverence to his voice.

"Yes, I believe that would be best. Wouldn't want him sticking his large nose where it doesn't belong," Lucius sneered. Then Severus was dragging him back down the steps before Remus could, perhaps unwisely, point out anyone could use the owlery. He was quite done dealing with Slytherins today and was frustrated by the turn of events.

Events that didn't at all make sense to him because it had looked like Lucius was done sending his letter. How many letters could he possibly have to send?

"What were you thinking?" Severus hissed angrily, nearly throwing Remus down the last step. "Stay away from Lucius or you'll wind up hurt."

Remus was surprised to hear a hint of worry, and perhaps guilt, in Severus' voice besides the usual annoyance.

"Severus, why do you hang out with him? Lily would be really worried about you if she knew." Remus dared to respond in a quiet whisper. He felt the need to point this out as everyone knew Lucius' views on blood status, especially on Muggle-borns like Lily. The sixth-year certainly made it very well known what his views on any sort of "blood impurities" in the magic community were.

It didn't make sense the friendship he had heard between the two, or perhaps a better word for it would be more like an apprentice and a master. But what on earth did Lucius have to teach Snape? He was sure it was nothing good.

The older boys' expression grew very dark, all concern gone from his eyes now. He sneered at Remus in a Lucius-like fashion that he felt very hurt by. He thought he had patched things up with Severus, at least a little.

"You don't know anything, Lupin. If you knew what was to come!" Severus snapped. The boy looked him up and down looking disgusted, "Not that you'd be allowed to take part in the greatness, but you'd be wise to keep your head down. You're smart...for a Muggle-born."

Remus almost pointed out he was half-blood, but Severus' comment made him feel sick for another reason altogether.

"What about Lily?" he asked and felt relieved when Severus' eyes softened, looking gentle and even regretful at once.

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