Chapter Sixty-Nine- The Cost To Enter the Great Hall

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Despite their failed attempt to stay up all night, Remus had to admit his awe that somehow his friends found the energy to exclaim they would still pull off what they labeled Year One's Farewell Prank. It should have worried Remus that none of them would say one word about what the prank would be, but he had spent the last few days having too much fun with his friends to give it much thought.

None of them asked about his disappearances. If anything, they seemed more hung up on Lily than on why he had been sick again. It was a big relief (well, not about them teasing him about Lily. But that they weren't asking him any other questions). Even Sirius had dropped the subject of Remus' dad visiting, which seemed to physically cause him pain. Remus appreciated their efforts on the matter a lot.

Sure he was confused as to why they had ceased prying about his disappearances, but he was much too delighted about it to really question it further. Besides, with Professor Blavatnik gone and the Slytherins and Gryffindors miraculously leaving each other alone, he was finding Hogwarts to be pretty peaceful. Sure he was worried about going home, and even more so about Lily and her books on werewolves. But his dad really did seem to want to be better and Lily hadn't said a single word about werewolves to him, so he remained convinced it would be alright.

After all, it was just random that she chose werewolves to write about for her extra credit project to Professor Blavatnik. Even though their professor had left Hogwarts, it was possible he had assigned her the extra credit right away, and perhaps he even told her for it to be on werewolves. That certainly sounded like him, though it wasn't very comforting. Still, if Lily had come to any conclusions in her research she hadn't said anything. She would have if she knew, of course, she would have. Even kind Lily would have a problem being friends with a werewolf. She didn't know, she just couldn't!

"Remus, you're looking a little peaky there, mate...Remus, stop staring and pass the salt," Sirius hollered into his ear, despite sitting right next to him. Remus jumped and quickly did so, nearly dropping the salt. Sirius snickered at him.

"Not quite so amused in the bright light of day, huh?" he teased.

"How can you be so awake right now? You nearly stayed up all night," Remus replied mildly, but suppressed a smile knowing the slight reminder Remus had beat Sirius would annoy him. Why everything had to be a contest, he didn't quite understand. But it was funny enough to get his friends worked up over losing, at times.

"Nearly! I did stay up all night," Sirius corrected.

"No, you didn't."

"Yes, I did! Technically anything past midnight is morning," Sirius pointed out victoriously. Remus couldn't help laughing at him, which earned him a playful nudge. Then quite suddenly, James and Peter re-appeared back from the 'loo' and were sitting across from them, looking entirely 'too innocent.' Remus groaned.

"What did you two do?"

James batted his eyelashes. "Why, whatever do you mean?"

"Nothing, of course" Peter seconded quickly.

"Why, Remus, I think you're seeing things. Must be the little sleep you got last night," Sirius pointed out, now having the same innocent yet guilty look on his face. Of course, it had to be that stupid prank they had announced they'd carry out during breakfast but wouldn't tell him about.

Remus spun around on the bench, looking for signs of disaster but none came. He looked at the Slytherin table where the early risers were already seated, about one-fourth of the house, but nothing was happening. He turned back to his friends, who had come extra early to breakfast, and who were all focused on studying their still empty plates, far too focused. But nothing happened...and still, nothing happened.

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