Chapter Fifty-Five- Early Riser

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Sirius watched outraged as Slytherin scored yet another point.

"It's not bloody fair!" James groaned beside him. They had all come to watch the second-to-last Quidditch match of the year. Even though it was Hufflepuff vs. Slytherin, it still felt like a blow every time Slytherin won. It wasn't fair. Slytherin was going to be 3-0, having won both their first game against Gryffindor in the season and against Ravenclaw. Hufflepuff was the only hope they all had to stop Slytherin from going undefeated.

"Next year, I'm going to be on the team and we are going to go undefeated," James muttered. He had been especially touchy about Slytherin as of late, ever since his birthday party.

"Well, I'm going to get on the team too," Peter announced proudly. Both James and Sirius laughed in response, causing the smaller boy to go scarlet.

"Good one, Pettigrew. Way to cheer me up," James laughed, patting Peter's hair fondly. James' friend looked annoyed but said nothing.

"OH! THE SNITCH!" James announced, pointing wildly on his feet and trying to gesture to the Hufflepuff seeker.

"Oi, sit down before you get in trouble," Sirius laughed, yanking James back onto the seat.

"Why didn't Remus come?"

"Studying with Lily," Sirius announced with a smirk, noticing James scowl.

"Next year he better be at every single game if we get on the team!"

"Unless he's visiting his mum. He doesn't seem to have much control over that," Peter pointed out. James frowned, only this time it was a thoughtful frown and he looked deep in contemplation for a while.

"I've been meaning to talk to you two about it, but it's not often the three of us are without Remus."

That wasn't entirely true. Remus had been gone for a few days, the second-to-last week of April, and a few days after he got back since the three of them had pestered him about where he'd been.

"He says he goes to see his mum, but...."

"Go on Potter, enlighten us with your brilliance," Sirius muttered, knowing James wouldn't have considered anything he hadn't already. Out of all of them, the Black had spent much more time driving himself crazy over the subject.

"Well, why is it at odd times every month? It seems to be a pattern of some sort, but I can't quite put my finger on it."

"Well gee captain obvious, why don't you tell us something we don't know," Sirius mocked, ducking as James took a half-hearted swing at him. He grinned and James stuck his tongue out at him then rolled his eyes.

"Well, think about it. Remus is obsessed with grades."

"For a good reason," Sirius snapped defensively. James held his hand up in mock surrender.

"Down boy. I'm not saying it's a bad thing. Pretty sure he'll have top marks over all of us this year. But if it's so important to his family and him..."

Sirius' eyes went wide, realizing at last where James was going with this

"Then why do his absences keep resulting in him missing class?" he finished excitedly. James scowled.

"Geez, steal all the glory, why don't you?"

"Sorry. All hail the brilliant Potter, whose ego is oh-so fragile and must be watered daily like a precious little flower."

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