Chapter Seven- Broken Rules and the Worst Roommates Ever

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After what seemed like a long time, a stern straight-laced-looking witch announced loudly she was a prefect and led Remus and his new classmates out of the Great Hall. Remus and his fellow Gryffindors followed the stern witch and another prefect who introduced himself loudly as a fifth-year named Liam. They trailed behind Prefect Liam who led them to the Gryffindor tower. They climbed staircase after staircase. Apparently, the Gryffindor common room was on the seventh floor. During this daunting excursion, Remus had nearly face-planted, his foot going through a trick step they had been warned about in the prefect's tirade as they climbed. Remus wasn't sure why they had to move from stairs to stairs, though figured it had something to do with how the staircases kept shifting, actually moving at what did not seem to be unmeasurable intervals.

This made navigating the stairs quite the adventure according to prefect Liam. However, Remus was feeling rather glum about it, unlike most of his fellow first years who grinned ecstatically and giggled at each other. Already in a bad mood from the mean behavior of his peers Remus had made the mistake of looking down from what was either the fifth or sixth floor. He had nearly thrown up at how high they were on what essentially was a floating staircase. After what seemed like forever they finally reached what must be the top. Remus spent most of his time intently making sure he didn't look down again and that he avoided bumping into anyone.

"Are you ok?" asked a far-off-sounding voice from behind Remus.

He realized sadly now that the annoyance of the stairs had passed that he was thinking and worrying about his father again. Remus couldn't help but worry how his father must be fairing without him there to help. Or maybe Remus really was the hindrance his uncle said.

"Remus...hey are you ok?" Came the same voice again, sounding closer and louder now.

He jumped, startled that someone was daring to speak to him. He glanced up at Lily, who looked rather abashed but offered him a small smile.

"Fine, just tired," Remus replied quietly.

Even though he was anything but. He could tell she was asking more to relieve her guilt for abandoning him on the train than from any real deep concern. As it was she took his half-hearted response with a relieved smile, and unfortunately as an invitation to talk.

"Oh, that's good. I'm tired too, but I'm much too excited. I suppose this isn't quite so overwhelming for you as it is for me though, is it?"

He had to strongly resist the urge to laugh bitterly at that.

But he reminded himself he didn't know Lily's history. Maybe her comment was truthful. However, he personally felt that it was his despondency that should be reflecting a more overwhelmed state than hers. He worried briefly that he was coming across aloof and rude again, but he realized this should be exactly what he should aim for to keep everyone at a safe distance.

"I think the prefect is explaining something important," he whispered to her. The response was immediate and expected as she rushed to the front eagerly.

In the few very brief interactions he had overheard or had with Lily, he was already pretty sure he could read her like a book. He quite preferred that to people who were harder to read, as being able to accurately guess her responses and emotions was safer than not knowing. Luckily most children, at least first years, seemed pretty straightforward with their behaviors.

He ran through the list of names he had remembered, having not been paying attention to the monotone prefect since the beginning. After absorbing all the conversations of his peers during dinner, only one student still remained a mystery to him. He glanced at Sirius curiously, who had an arm around James' shoulder leaning into him and saying something that made the other boy throw back his head in laughter. Sirius and Remus' initial interaction had gone badly, there was no mistaking that. Even with Sirius being around James, who seemed to calm him down, Remus could still feel the disgust and superiority rolling off the haughty boy like waves.

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