Chapter Thirty-Six- In the Shadow of the Full Moon

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TWs: Mentions of Past Abuse and Traumatic Experiences


Remus heard everything going on around him.

In the beginning, the many noises and voices sounded so far away that he couldn't hear much, if anything, of what was being said. But after who knows how long the voices seemed a bit clearer. It was only Madam Pomfrey and Sirius Black that kept him from not being with the shadow man in a never-ending nightmare.

Only those two kept him sane.

Two voices were all he had left, one soft and motherly the other boisterous and daring. Each vitally important to him, something he couldn't do without.

He didn't know what was going on. His brain couldn't seem to comprehend whatever it was. It couldn't comprehend very much at all. He didn't know how much time had passed or much of anything, just those two voices reminding him who he was.

"Minerva, did you convince young Mr. Black?" Remus recognized that voice though it took him a moment to place it... Dumbledore. He sounded strange and far away, not pleasant and close like the usual two voices were.

"Yes, I told him Mr. Lupin was being moved to St. Mungo's and that seemed to do the trick, though he was quite upset."

He had to work hard for this name too...Professor McGonagall. What was she a professor of? And who was Mr. Lupin? He didn't have the answers, though he could tell they were of vital importance.

"Foolish human, so weak and dumb."

He wished he could forget that voice. A low rumbling growl that sent chills down his metaphorical spine, for he could physically feel nothing at the moment. He wasn't sure how, but the wolf had been yelling at him for however long they had been trapped in this dark place together.

"Shut up," he yelled back, though no sound came forth. The wolf heard him still and howled his resentment in return.

How could the wolf hear him if he didn't speak?

Oh right because the wolf was him, and it was getting stronger. Something must be happening soon. Something big and important and scary, but he couldn't remember what!

"Well that is understandable, Mr. Lupin is his friend after all. However, he must not find out Remus is here. I fear he is already too suspicious."

"Professor, what will happen to him? Will it break his coma?"

"One can only hope, Minerva. I believe it will. By tomorrow morning we will have a very confused and distressed student on our hands, but a conscious one," mused Dumbledore, sounding very fond of whoever this student was.

"Indeed," responded Professor McGonagall and she sounded hopeful and relieved. He felt he should feel that way too, but all he could feel was a cold chill and a bone reaching dread at what was going to happen soon, too soon.

"It will be my turn, human," came the angry and eager growl again.

He wanted to respond but he'd been feeling weaker for a while now, unable to shout as loudly to the monster sharing his consciousness. His head was scrambled and was begging for a break.

"Soon flesh, soon blood, soon freedom from chain! Soon soon."

The howling was excruciating. It tugged at all that made the confused boy what he was, threatening to pull him to pieces. Remus wasn't sure why it was so important to fight the voice, but he knew he had to. Even if losing himself to the violent haze scratching at his conscience seemed oddly tempting he wouldn't, he just wouldn't.

Mischief Managed Year One: Mayhem of the MoonWhere stories live. Discover now