Chapter Twenty-Four- Patricia Rakeburn and Dreamers Folly

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Remus huddled in the hideaway and tried not to worry about how his father hadn't sent him any letters since the first one months ago. Maybe his father found things easier when he pretended Remus didn't exist. Remus knew he wouldn't be going home over winter break, that he'd be at the castle bothering Madam Pomfrey who wouldn't get to celebrate with her family because of him. Because he'd be transforming too close to Christmas for her to safely go home for the holidays.

He tried not to worry about Sirius, who would be going home in about a week to his explosive and abusive mother. Who would have to face a dementor alone, he had now learned more about such horrible creatures and knew poor Sirius would only have his cousin Andromeda to make the holidays bearable. But he failed at not worrying about both things, and found himself in an awful mood as he gave up on his hiding spot and walked the grounds, the setting sun behind him. With the thin layer of snow on the ground and the winter chill in the air, Remus was hardly dressed for the weather in his thin school robes. However, he hardly noticed this as he was so lost in his thoughts.

"Ello there, Remus," came a deep jovial shout that stopped Remus in his tracks.

He looked up towards the friendly booming voice, surprised to see he had wandered near Hagrid's hut. The groundskeeper waved at him with such sincere happiness that Remus felt a little cheered and walked over to the towering man. The groundskeeper of Hogwarts was dressed in his typical thick dragonhide slacks and his moleskin overcoat. Hagrid's hair had been recently trimmed so that the shaggy mane now seemed more tamed and did not quite reach his shoulders.

"Hello, sir. How are you?"

He was met by Hagrid's deep guffawing.

"' Sir,' ee says! Not much of ere sir. Just call me Hagrid, that will do."

Remus smiled sheepishly.

"Alright then, Hagrid. How are you?"

"Good I..." he trailed off suddenly, as loud barks echoed through the evening air. Remus was tackled onto the cold ground, a slobbery tongue meeting his cheek with unrestrained glee.

"Off Brutus, you ol mutt!" Hagrid shouted sternly, yanking the massive dog off Remus. Now with the snow leaving him wet and shivering, Remus tried to pull clumps of the dogs' fur off of himself. Unfortunately, Brutus had an extremely thick beige coat that seemed to stick to everything due to the sheer amount of slobber the dog seemed able to produce. The constant companion to the gamekeeper came up to the shoulders of most first year students. The dog whined and sat by his master's side. The dog's tail thumped from side to side as he watched Remus clearly wanting to jump on him again. Remus felt a little awkward as Hagrid helped him up, unsure if Brutus was just that friendly or if this had something to do with what he was once a month.

Remus didn't have to wonder long, however, as Brutus suddenly barked again and bounded up the hill intercepting Peter, James, and Sirius who were running down it dressed in their winter robes. Brutus started towards Peter but Sirius' delighted cry made him change course and he happily plowed Sirius over into the snow. Hagrid went running after him but Sirius' laughs were as loud and happy as Brutus' barks and the groundskeeper simply shook his head bemused.

"He sher likes yer."

"I sure like him!" Sirius laughed, with James' help finally getting to his feet. Remus wondered if he had time to run away from them all, but the Forbidden Forest seemed like the only place to hide, and he didn't wish to go in there in the slightest.

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