Chapter Twenty-Two- Whispered Conversations and Half-Truths

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TW: Small Mentions of Abuse

"Go ahead, Mr. Black," Dumbledore said standing up from his desk in his office that Sirius unfortunately found himself in yet again.

It was a weird thing to notice at the moment, but Sirius realized his relative's portrait was covered, and that more than anything made him realize Dumbledore could be trusted.

"Sir, I'm worried that Remus...that he may..." He hadn't expected it to be so hard to say. Sirius felt nervous, he had to be careful otherwise Dumbledore may suspect his own lack of safety at home. He couldn't have that, it would only make things worse.

But what if this would make things worse for Remus?

He felt so much turmoil and stress that he felt himself lose his battle with his tears. He ducked his head shame filling him. Sirius was a Black. Blacks did NOT cry like this.

"Sirius, is there something you'd like to tell me?" Dumbledore's voice was much softer than moments before. For some reason, this made Sirius cry even more. He balled his fists until he felt blood prick where his nails dug into his skin.

"No, sir."

"Mr. Black, I hope you know that the adults here all want the best for their students and are committed to helping them inside the school...and out." Sirius wanted to shout like his uncle taught him to. But that would be rather out of place here, and no doubt counterproductive.

"I know sir, but I just want to talk about Remus."

"But of course. What else did you think I meant? Do you know someone else's welfare the professors should be concerned about?"

Sirius flinched, realizing he had nearly given himself away. How had he already messed up that bad? He took a deep breath forcing himself to focus.

"No, sir. I think Remus may be having...a hard time at home."

"Has he said anything to you?"

"Not exactly, but..."

"What makes you think he does?"


"It seems neither Miss. Evans nor Mr. Potter have come to that conclusion. Why have you?"

Sirius could tell Dumbledore suspected what he would give anything for him not to. He knew that the headmaster's soft tone was an attempt to trip him up into letting something slip again. But he was a Black, and Blacks weren't bested, nor did they air their families dirty laundry. He might hate his family but he had too much pride to sell them out.

"They haven't talked to him as much as I have, Professor."

He ducked his head, feeling Dumbledore's sharp eyes on him. Sirius held his breath, waiting for Dumbledore to ask him if he suspected such things from experience.

"Very well. Mr. Black, I assure you that Remus is in no immediate danger from his family," sighed the professor, suddenly sounding very tired.

Was he lying?

Sirius couldn't tell if he was or if he was just disappointed Sirius didn't say more to him.

"Thank you, professor. I think I should go now."

"Mr. Black?"

"Yes, Professor?"

"I want you to know that you may come to talk to me whenever you wish."

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