Chapter Fifty-Two- Spring Break

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TW: Abuse


After James' birthday on the 27th, they only had about a week to go before the break. Most students were absolutely thrilled. Therefore, the attention spans naturally decreased so that professors were forced to give less work as the day the Hogwarts Express would arrive for them all drew nearer.

Sirius and Remus were not most students. Despite their insistence they were fine, all four of them knew they were not. Peter handled it by offering to fetch snacks or whatever they needed at odd, and somewhat inconvenient moments. Remus had to remind the anxious boy several times that leaving class to go get pumpkin juice would merely result in trouble. James handled it by asking Sirius and Remus rather insensitive questions about their home life and how they got hurt, trying to wrap his mind around a concept that was clearly foreign to him.

Remus handled it well. He'd like to think so anyway. He remained calm with Peter, though that proved somewhat harder the closer April 3rd got. He was also able to either ignore James' questions, who at least didn't press too much. Or he used the opportunity of James' questions to answer in a way that would lessen his friend's worries, though whether they believed him or not became harder to tell the closer April 3rd got.

Then there was Sirius.

Telling their roommates the truth meant that Sirius could be honest with James as to why he had to cut back on the mischief before having to go home.

Of course, James felt terrible about giving Sirius a hard time about this months ago before Christmas break. Things were awkward for a bit before going back to normal...well, it would have been normal if it wasn't for Sirius' considerably shortening attention span and patience. What James called 'Spaz Sirius' became more and more consistent the closer spring break got. This either meant he was very irritable or he'd wake them at three in the morning to go explore the castle.

Both Peter and James had tried very hard to be patient and understanding, but unlike Remus, they didn't get it. This meant Sirius' actions were viewed by them not as a boy trying to distract himself from the inevitable but as an annoying twat who was determined to drive them nuts before they all left for home.

While Peter complained to Remus about Sirius, James and Sirius ended up arguing. The two of them arguing about literally nothing of importance. Remus had actually caught them arguing about socks the other day, which had caused him to laugh at them, receiving dirty looks for his momentary amusement.

Remus had hoped at times to lighten the situation but failed every time and had retreated, finding it increasingly difficult to break up the two's arguments. He realized he'd just have to wait it out because as much as James and Sirius bickered, and Sirius drove James' nuts, Remus knew without a doubt that those two would stay friends no matter what. Well, probably not if one of them were a dark creature, but Remus very much doubted there was more than one dark creature in their friend group.

Needless to say, Remus was almost looking forward to the break just to get away from his friends. Or more accurately, so that upon coming back things could return to normal. At the very least he wouldn't have to be so exhaustingly patient and understanding with them all, especially Peter who had an understandably hard time putting up with James and Sirius when they got like this.

"I swear they are more touchy than girls," Peter had muttered to Remus just the other day as they had retreated to the library to get away from the two.

"I wouldn't let them hear you say that," Remus had cautioned, forcing a smile as Peter had whipped his head around as if they would have been right behind him.

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