Chapter Forty-Three- Valentines Gifts

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TW: Mentions of Past Traumatic Experience


When Remus woke a few hours later he was feeling much better, courtesy of the tonic which Madam Pomfrey mentioned several times.

She seemed relieved he was feeling better and Remus decided he must have just gotten a headache from all the reading he was doing. Sure Greyback's picture was weird, especially since he couldn't place the face, but the werewolf wasn't his professor so there really had been no reason for him to be physically sickened by it.

When he hesitantly brought it up to Madam Pomfrey she just huffed that he was too stressed and probably working too hard so he quickly shut up, worried she'd keep him longer if he didn't.

She was, in fact, reluctant to let him go. But he convinced her it was best he slept in his dorm and that he got there before curfew. Remus was surprised when she didn't try to offer the usual sleeping tonic she offered him but didn't think much of it. Maybe the calming tonic he had just taken negated the other one somehow.

"Yes, I promise I'll sleep, Madam Pomfrey."

"And if you start feeling even a bit sick or out of sorts you come back here right away, understand?"

"Yes, Madam Pomfrey," he responded respectfully, despite the impatience he felt at wanting to leave. Her gaze softened and she pulled him into a hug he had only come to expect on full moon nights. He flinched at the contact but it wasn't unpleasant and he hugged her back briefly.

"Is there anything you want to talk about, dear?" the Matron pressed.

He wanted to know how she knew Greyback but knew that was a dangerous line of questioning. Instead, he shook his head offering her a convincing smile.

"No, I feel better now. Sorry for bothering you."

"It's not a bother at all, dear. Goodnight."


Then he was leaving the ward feeling relieved until he saw Lily huddled outside waiting for him, crying.

"Lily, what's wrong?" he asked, and it was his turn to sound concerned, as he quickly went to her side.

"Sev hates me now, Remus. He says I laughed but I didn't! I swear I didn't."

Remus believed her. He hadn't laughed either, and though he was in the minority he was sure Lily was as well.

"Lily, I'm sure he's just upset in general," Remus attempted to assure her kindly.

She nodded but didn't look convinced. Remus sighed, he didn't really want to go back into the medical ward but he knew Lily wasn't going to calm down until she knew her best friend didn't blame her.

"Come on, let's go talk to him again. Maybe he's calmed down by now," Remus continued. Lily seemed nervous but was in the ward again before Remus could say 'only if you want to.' She went right over to Severus who was lying in one of the hospital beds, his skin swollen and bright pink but more humiliated than hurt, thankfully. Though the pouting Slytherin didn't seem to feel that way based on how adamantly he was ignoring Lily who finally reached out and grabbed Snape's hand looking at him pleadingly.

"Sev? ...Sev, please talk to me," Lily begged, letting out a miserable sound as Severus yanked his hand roughly out of hers, his pink face growing a slightly darker shade.

"I told you to go away, Lily!" came an angry response from poor Sev. As Remus inched closer he could see that the boy's skin was sparkly as well and that his only injury was a bruised eye he had sustained from where the corner of the letter had hit him. A letter the poor boy had thought was from Lily.

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