Chapter Forty- Kisses in the Moonlight

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TWs: Details on Abuse and Mentions of Abuse


They swapped horror stories for hours. Remus was winning by far, though Peter getting attacked by a Hippogriff was a close second. It wasn't until James' eyes closed as he tried to describe a story about his great aunt being attacked by a ghoul through his yawning that they called it a night.

Remus knew Sirius could have won if he had told about being attacked by a dementor, just like he could have won if he told about being attacked by a werewolf. But neither of them would. Instead, Sirius told a funny story about being attacked by gnomes at his uncle's, and Remus saw he only laughed a little bit harder than needed.

It didn't surprise him when they all called it a night or when Sirius slipped back into his bed. Remus expected whispered questions, but instead...

Remus sat bolt upright, realizing Sirius was crying.

"What's wrong?" he whispered, because he knew Sirius would kill him if he brought the others' attention to something he clearly didn't want their attention brought to. It's not like Sirius particularly cared if he cried in front of Remus, at least it felt that way, but he seemed much more reluctant to do so in front of anyone else.

It made Remus feel strange and a bit special, but mostly just guilty because he knew he hadn't repaid all of Sirius' honesty about his past. Especially not after the things he had been told when in a coma.

"Can we talk? Not here. Unless you know how to cast an Imperturbable Charm," Sirius added, with a painful attempt at a smile.

Remus suggested if they both turned out the candle and waited for James to start snoring they could talk right here, but Sirius wasn't having any of it.

Remus didn't particularly want to go anywhere alone with Sirius, worried he hadn't bought his lies as the others had. But in the end, his blasted consciousness won and he found himself slipping out of the dorm with Sirius because he just couldn't let his friend cry like that and do nothing.

He had assumed they would be talking in the common room but realized it wasn't empty, that it actually wasn't all that late. In fact, his friends had been going to bed early lately, which surprised him, but he wasn't going to complain about it. Not when his nightmares kept him from getting much sleep.

"What now?" he whispered into Sirius' ear who had done a good job at calming himself down before they entered the common room.

"This way."

Remus wanted to protest, realizing Sirius was no doubt planning to break curfew for the hundredth time. But he had grown rather numb to the idea so Remus followed him, just a bit reluctantly. The fat lady warned them about curfew but Sirius brushed her off and soon he was grabbing Remus' hand and tugging him through the halls.

"Where are we going?" Remus asked in a whisper, but if Sirius heard he didn't listen. Remus was surprised when Sirius pulled him outside into a large courtyard. They were hidden by the shadows of the pillars framing it, but Remus still felt exposed to the moonlight which was far too bright for his liking.

"Sirius, what are we doing out here?"

"Shhh," Sirius hissed and pushed his head down so they were both crouched behind the railing as their astronomy professor walked by. Luckily, Professor Tablica didn't turn around to see them. She was mumbling to herself, surprisingly not about stars, but about the friend she was going to meet in Hogsmeade.

"Yuck. It's so gross to think of them having a life outside of school, you know?" Sirius said, no longer looking upset.

"Sirius," Remus began.

Mischief Managed Year One: Mayhem of the MoonWhere stories live. Discover now