Chapter Fifty-Three- Revenge is Best Served Hot, REALLY Hot

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TWs: Mentions of Abuse and Past Traumatic Experience


James' spring break had been a load of fun. But he, unlike Peter, had the sense not to point that out to his two miserable-looking friends.

Sure James could be blunt, at times. But he wasn't cruel, and while he knew Peter wasn't meaning to be insensitive, his irritation rose as the small boy went on and on about how he was doted on over spring and all the parties he had experienced.

"How about we talk about Quidditch instead?" James interjected. He was able to tell by the dark look in Sirius' eyes that if they didn't change the subject soon someone would get hurt, most likely Peter.

It was a bit tempting. Part of him wanted to see Sirius punch the boy who just couldn't take the hints James had been sending his way. But Peter was his friend, and James just wanted them all to be happy. As much as was possible, anyways.

He looked across at his two miserable friends with worry. Both of them looked paler than when James seemed them last, although he supposed that could have been his concern talking. Sirius was sitting closest to the window leaning his chin on his fist and staring blankly outside with a frown. Remus seemed to want to take up as little room as possible, perhaps wishing he could turn invisible, as he sat with his legs pulled up to his chest, holding himself into a tight little ball. It had only been the fact he hadn't heard from either Sirius, who he had expected to, and Remus, who had made it clear they wouldn't hear from him, that kept his break from being perfect.

Sirius and Remus both looked gaunt. They had this look in their eyes that left James with a very good idea of how their breaks went. At least Remus was talking. Not much, but asking questions with his usual quiet politeness. Sure his smile seemed kind of wonky, but at least he was making an effort.

Sirius, however, hadn't said a word!

Sirius only glowered at Peter, especially when the boy talked about how pleased his mum had been and how much she'd miss him. James felt sick thinking of Sirius' mum, who truly seemed to hate him and who hurt him. Not to mention Remus' mum, who was sick and dying. He wanted to help his mates, he really did more than anything. But he didn't know how to!

James tried to think about what his mum said regarding consoling his friends. But when he thought about information learned from his parents, the concern his father had over the increased Muggle deaths seemed more pertinent. For some reason, James had found himself worrying about Lily over break almost as much as he had Sirius and Remus.

James supposed this made sense, since both Lily's parents were Muggles. It was now becoming clear that it was Muggles who had some involvement with wizards, usually relatives of some sort, that were ending up dead. His father had told his mum when they thought James was sleeping that the ministry was finally taking notice now.

"About time," his father had said, sounding very bitter.

James had never had anything against Muggles. But now that he knew, and it was common knowledge now, that wizards were behind the killings rather than Muggles killing themselves off. It felt wrong. Like someone picking on someone who couldn't fight back. It also seemed like whatever was happening in the Muggle world was getting closer and closer to the wizarding world.

He had also overheard his parents saying that at least Hogwarts would be safe, that James would be safe with Dumbledore in charge. It made James feel better, but summer would be coming soon. Sirius' parents were probably involved in this group of dark wizards, and Remus' mother was a Muggle, and Lily's parents were both Muggles. It didn't seem fair and James didn't want to think about it any longer.

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