Chapter Nineteen- A Dark Endless Tunnel for All

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TWs: Small Implications of Abuse and a Traumatic Event


Remus was right to suspect all three boys would bother him more now. What he assumed was the next morning, resulted in him being woken up at what must be at least the crack of dawn from Sirius flinging himself on top of him, singing in an obnoxiously cheerful voice.

"When it's early in the morning over by the window day dawning when I feel the air I feel that life is very good to meeeeeeeee!" Sirius sang loudly, clearly not noticing the way the boy under him had tensed badly and seemed unable to breathe.

Luckily Remus was able to bite back a strangled scream, realizing pretty quickly that the person splayed out on top of him was too small to be the shadow man. Still, he did not appreciate being woken up this way, not when he was actually getting much-needed sleep. He groaned loudly and attempted to shove off the boy, sticking a hand in his face in an attempt to stop his horrible singing. "Go away. I'm sleepy."

"Oh come on, you are usually awake before any of us. Come on, let's go have an adventure!" Sirius encouraged, bouncing up and down as if he physically could not standstill.

"Sirius has lost his mind. Remus, the only thing to do now is to go along with it or kill him. I'll let you decide," grumbled James, sounding as tired and bitter as Remus felt about Sirius' unwanted wake-up call. Remus did feel a bit better though that Sirius hadn't just singled him out again.

"James, I give you permission to throw him out the window," Remus yawned, earning Sirius' mock gasp of horror. James gave a gruff laugh as he got to his feet and walked over. The boy with very messy black hair grabbed Sirius, finally yanking him off Remus' bed.

"Traitors, the lot of you!" howled Sirius dramatically as James caught him in a headlock.

Remus sat up, watching the comedic duo struggle with one another. He bit back a smile at their antics and looked over at the only boy who wasn't awake yet.

"You didn't wake, Peter?" he asked, surprised Sirius would leave him out on what his hyper roommate seemed to think would be a grand time. Sirius scoffed as he finally slipped away from a very tired-looking James, hair askew.

"Bloody hell, I tried! I don't think anything can wake him up! I even tried rolling him off the bed but he just snored and nearly crushed me," whined Sirius with even more mock offense. The boy seemed practically jittery and for the life of him Remus could not figure out where all his energy came from.

"Lucky bastard," muttered James who was trying and failing to brush down his wild mop of hair.

He gave Remus a look that clearly said 'I wish I was sleeping right now.' He nodded to James in understanding and sympathy as Sirius tried and failed to wake Peter again. Pettigrew, it seemed, had a magical spell around him that prevented anyone from ever disturbing his sleep.

"This ought to be the last time we give him sugar is what I reckon. Fell into a sleep coma perhaps?" Sirius mused, walking around with a hand to his chin like he was some sophisticated professor trying to figure out a particularly difficult puzzle. Remus covered his mouth, feigning a yawn, to prevent a laugh. James had no such qualms however, and was laughing at Sirius failing at being quiet.

"No James, you mustn't encourage him," Remus found himself saying in a playful way. He earned a grin from James, who seemed to have warmed up to him some.

Sirius placed a hand over his heart and collapsed on top of Peter with the most dramatic groan yet. "Peter, you are my only true friend."

"I think it's Sirius we shouldn't let have so much sugar again," Remus responded again, finding teasing the excited boy as easy as breathing.

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