Chapter Sixty-Six- A Twinkly-Eyed Explanation

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TW: Mentions of Abuse


The next time he woke, Remus was still in pain but this time it was bearable. He could move, though slowly. It took several minutes to scooch himself back so that he was propped up against the cushions.

"Ah, you're awake. Good," came a calm voice.

He jolted and let out a gasp of pain at the sudden movement, shocked to find Dumbledore sitting at his bedside.

"...Umb...." His words came out slurred. Remus' tongue felt awfully big in his mouth.

"Don't try to speak, Remus," the voice assured him. "You see, one of the rather unfortunate side effects of the counter potion is a rather uncomfortably enlarged tongue. You wouldn't want to bite it attempting to speak."

Remus blinked at Dumbledore, who had responded cheerfully. The headmaster was looking at him with a small smile, as if he had never avoided looking at Remus before. Then, the headmaster unfolded a cloth bundle and held up a bottle filled with some sort of thick liquid.

"I'm sure you have lots of questions. I find it always best to start at the beginning of things. Don't you, Mr. Lupin?"

Remus nodded his head slightly to show he agreed and was paying attention.

"Excellent! Well, this was found under several protective enchantments in Carlyle Gorky's room. Yes, it seems Mr. Gorkey was the one behind the first poisoning."

Remus felt stunned, thinking back to the confusing conversation he had heard between Carlyle and Professor Blavatnik.

"Yes, I agree it's quite confusing if you don't have the whole story. You see, Carlyle was...persuaded over winter break to join Voldermort. Due to his personal situation, a talented, kind student became bitter and was led astray. Even his uncle was at a loss as to how to help him. When his uncle realized one of the reasons why his nephew was serving dark forces, well, Professor Blavatnik went astray himself. Helped along nicely by his prejudices, of course."

Remus gaped slightly, trying to understand what this all meant.

"Ah, forgive me. I forget it's not common knowledge," Dumbledore continued, with a smile, "You see, Professor Blavatnik is Carlye's mother's older brother. He has always been very protective of Carlyle, and the only reason he took the position was to see his nephew graduate into a wonderful wizard." Dumbledore let out a heavy sigh, sadness reflected in his eyes, "Alas, it is never that simple. Deeds that started off as good can become sinister if given the right motivation. You see, over Christmas break Carlyle went camping by himself. A show of independence I believe. But, he was bitten."

Remus felt himself go cold as panic consumed him.

"Calm down, Mr. Lupin. It wasn't Greyback. Do I need to get Poppy?"

Remus shook his head, forcing himself to calm down if only so he could finish hearing the whole story.

"It didn't take long for Professor Blavatnik to get the truth out of his nephew. It's come to my attention that you heard a rather unfortunate exchange between the two. Before knowing what his nephew had become, Professor Blavatnik was faced with quite the dilemma. He knew his nephew had poisoned the first student, one Miss Janice. Carlyle had been told that only Voldemort would accept his kind and...he did what he knew would make him one of the 'protected.' While other students who also had been persuaded to join Voldermort were too concerned with being expelled to do what he wanted to be done, Mr. Gorky believed it was only a matter of time before he was expelled." Dumbledore gave a small smile, "I believe, not unlike another student who thought the same when he came here."

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