Chapter 1 - The New Kid

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A/N: I never put author notes in my books but, around chapter 5-6 I do put this sorry in the sander sides POV, but right now I have it in 3rd Person POV, also thank you for reading!

Virgil it is a new school, everything will be okay. No one will know about your secrets. Just try to fit in. Virgil said to himself.

Roman it is a new school day, everything will be okay. You are the best football player. You will do great today. Nothing will stop you. Roman said to himself.

Patton it is a new school day, everything will be okay. Just be adorable all day. You will do great today. Patton said to himself.

Logan it is a new school day, everything will be okay. You will do great on your English, and Math tests today. You will do great today. Also don't forget the apples for your teachers. Logan said to himself.

Virgils house

"Mom do I have to go to this new school?" Virgil said already knowing the answer.
"Yes Virgil now go get ready." His mom yelled

Virgils room

Virgil combs his black to purple hair then he puts on some primer and a pale shade of foundation. He puts on a purple shirt, a black hoodie, and black ripped skinny jeans. He grabs his black bookbag that says "Don't hug me. I'm scared" on it. He grabs his purple iphone 7, ear buds, and his house key. Virgil jumps out of the window without telling his mom goodbye. Virgil lands on his feet and starts walking toward his new school. He plays Panic! At The Disco High Hopes and runs into something and falls onto the ground.

Romans house

"Mom where is my jersey?" Roman said with worry.
"Roman it is in the drier it just got done." His mom replys
"Thank you. I love you."

Romans room

Roman combs his brown to red hair. Roman puts a red shirt on then his red Football Jersey which says Princy #1. Roman puts on some blue jeans and grabs his red iPhone X and his red book bag. He walks out of the door while telling his mom goodbye. Roman starts to jog his way to school. He plays high hopes and his runs into something and falls onto the ground.
"Oh I am so sorry I didn't see you there I was trying to turn on a song for my morning jog." Roman says as he gets up to help the stranger up.
"Oh it is okay I was heading to school." Virgil says with embarrassment.
As Virgil takes Romans hand to get help up Roman gets lost in Virgils dreamy blue eyes.
"Thank you for helping me up." Virgil told the stranger
"Yo- your welcome. Do I know you?" Roman asks
"No I just moved here about a week ago. First day of school."
"Where are you going to school at?"
"The public school down the street."
"Me too. If you want I can walk you there." Roman told him
"I guess."
"Are you nervous to go to a new school?" Roman asks Virgil
"Yeah, I am afraid I won't fit in or have friends."
"You can hang out with me and my friends."
"And tell me what kind of group are you."
"Popular, Nerds, Gamers, football players, dorks, bullies, emo/goth, the bullied. ECT"
"Um, football."
"Yeah I don't think so."
"What do you think you would fit into most?"
"Emo, loner, the bullied."
"I see."
They arrive at school and as soon as they walk in Roman leaves Virgil for his football friends and Virgil is left alone. He walks around looking for someone to talk to. He sees some goofball and talks to him.
"Hey um can you help me?"
"Hi there stranger, I am Patton. What do you need help with?"
"I need to go to the office."
"Okay I will take you there."
"Thank you."
"Hey what is your name?" Patton asks
"Oh I love that name!!! It is so unique."
"Thank you."
"Oh look it is Logan!"
"Patton!" Logan yelled
"Logan this is Virgil he is new here."
"Oh hi Virgil I am Logan. And if you hurt my little fluff-ball I will hurt you."
"Um okay Logan. What is your fluff-ball."
"My Fluff-ball is Patton. He is my best friend."
"Yup that's me!"
"Oh um I still need to get to the office."
"Oh here we can show you Virgil."
"Okay Logan."
They show Virgil to the office. He gets his locker number, puts his books into the locker. Then he gets called down to the office.
"Great I am already in trouble for something."

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