Chapter 7 - Dreams

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T/W - Fighting, Self Harm, Panic Attack,

Patton's POV
I can't sleep. Maybe I should go on drive for a bit. My parents won't mind. I start driving around. Then it starts to rain. "I wish it was sunny out. I wanna see a rainbow." I say to myself. I come up onto a road and I see 2 people standing in the road kissing. Aww how cute I think to myself. But when I get closer I realize it is Virgil and Roman. What?! I stop my car to tell Virgil I am sorry about Logan.

Virgil's POV
Omg who is that. Wait is that Patton. I can't be here I got to go. I run to my house without them following me. I can't believe I just kissed Roman. I just ruined our friendship.

Romans POV
Omg is that Patton. I look down to look back at Virgil bit I realize he is gone.
"Roman? Is that you?"
"It's me Patton."
Patton walks closer to me.
"Hey did you see where Virgil went."
"No I didn't. I wanted to apologise about Logan but I guess I won't."
"Did you see anything?"
"Oh you mean you and Virgil making out. Yeah I didn't see that."
"Okay. Thanks. I need to get home. It is 4:05."
"What are you even doing out?"
"We wanted to go on a walk."
"But we have school tomorrow."
"Well Virgil probably won't be going to school for a bit because of the thing about his mom."
"Oh, what about you."
"I don't know if I will be at school today or not but I need to get home before my parents find out I left."

Virgils POV
I walk into my house and walk up to my room. I am so useless. I just kissed Roman. And I ran. Of all things I ran. I go to my bed and look for a small box from under my bed. I open the box. The box is full of blades, I grab one and cut my wrist. I also grab something to put around my wrist for when I get done cutting, to stop the bleeding. I do a few cuts and clean it up. I should go to sleep now.

Roman POV
I have to find Virgil.  But I need to go home first and get some sleep. I go home and go to my room. I take down the fort. I put all of Virgil's stuff in his box including the pictures. I see he left his hoodie. I smile and put it on. I sleep on my bed cuddled up in his hoodie. It smells like Virgil.

Virgil and I are sitting on some railroad tracks, Virgil is wearing my hoodie and I am wearing his. His head is on my shoulder and my arm is around him. Virgil and I just sit there for what feels like hours.

Then he looks at me. I look at him. Virgil puts his hand on my face and he kisses me. I kiss back. I put my hands in his hair and on his waist. We keep kissing. I push him onto the railroad tracks and I get on top of him and start kissing him.

I wake up. I start crying. Omg why did I just dream about that. No this isn't right. I need to just lay down. I put some music on and chill in my bed.


Virgils POV

I see I am at school. We are in the lunch room. I was sitting there all by myself. No one was near me. Then Logan comes up to me. He starts hitting me. I did nothing. Maybe he can kill me. Stop my suffering. "Logan what are you doing." Roman yells.
Logan gets up and throws a punch at Roman. I couldn't do anything. I was useless. Roman got Logan off of him. Someone got a teacher and Logan was taken. Everyone just went back to what they were doing. I couldn't move. Each time someone walked next to me they kicked him. Even Roman.

I wake up. My hold body hurts. I start to cry.
No one loves you. Roman hates you. If Roman loved you wouldn't have been left there.
I hear theses things come from somewhere in my room. I grab the small box and start cutting again. I cut romans name into my arm. I wrap my arm up more.
I look at the time 7:27. I should get ready for school. I don't care about anyone I just want to show up. I grab my hoodie and some black ripped jeans and I put them on. I get some pale foundation and I put that on. I comb my hair and get my phone and ear buds and go to school. When I get to school I don't make any eye contact. I go straight to my locker and grab what I need and head to class.

Romans POV
I am going to skip school today. There is no way Virgil would go to school. I put on a red tee and some white pants. I comb my brown and red hair. I play some music on my phone and go for a jog.

Pattons POV
"Logan how are you?"
"I'm okay i guess. I hope that kid is okay."
"Yeah, why did you do it anyway Logan."
"I told him, if he hurts you in any way I would hurt him. Patton I did it for you"
I blush. I see someone whereing all black walk next to me.
"Logan was that Virgil."
"I think so, I should apologise."
"Yeah go do that."

Virgils POV
Logan stops me. I dont make any eye contact afraid he would hurt me. I can feel peoples eyes locked on us.
"Virgil i am sorry."
I say nothing.
"Virgil, say something Virgil?"
I start to shake. I feel myself about to have an anxiety attack from everyone looking at me. He is going to hurt me.
"Virgil can you hear me."
I start to go into an anxiety attack, I can't move from shaking so badly. Logan carrys me into that bathroom.
"Virgil can you hear me."
I could barely understand what he was saying. I got closer to Logan and started crying. Then the unexpected happend.

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