Chapter 16 - Breakfast

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Virgils POV
Logan and I make breakfast for Patton and Roman. We laugh and talk. I find out Logan is really interesting. We should do this more.

Logans POV
Virgil and I make breakfast for Patton and Roman. We laugh and talk. He is so much fun to be around. We should do this more.
"We should do these for." I say
"We should. Hey can you help be with theses Pancakes?" Virgil says
I go behind him and help him.
"Can you show me the right way to pour these?" He asks while smiling.
"Yeah sure." I take his arm and start to help him. I let go.
"Can you do this by yourself now?"
"Yeah I think."
I smile as I finish everything else.

Skip time

Pattons POV
I hear someone call my name. I wake up as I see Logan with a tray of food.
"Good morning Love." He says
"What is this for?"
"Virgil and I made breakfast, so breakfast in bed?"
"I love you." I say as he puts the food on my lap.
"I love you too." I see Pancakes, eggs, bacon, Orange Juice, and 2 cookies.
"Thank you!" I say as I kiss him on the lips.
"You welcome."

Romans POV
I hear someone say my name and knock on my door.
"Good morning Ro."
"Good morning Love. Do I smell food?"
"Yeah I made you breakfast in bed."
He walks closer to me and puts the food on my lap.
"Oh thank you." I kiss him.
"Its no problem."
I see Pancakes, eggs, bacon, apple juice, and 2 cookies.
"This is great."
"I know." Virge says as he puts his arm around me and kisses my cheek.

Virgils POV
I sit on the couch about to watch Nightmare on elm. Then Logan walks in.
"Hello." Logan says
"What are you up to?"
"Cool. Have you told Pat about your Parents?"
"No not yet. There isn't a good time."
"Oh, do you want to watch a movie with me to get your mind off of it?"
"Um sure, what do you want to watch?"
"Um I was about to watch Nightmare on Elm Street. But we can watch something else if you want."
"We can watch that."
"Okay. Let me make some popcorn then we can watch it."
In middle of the movie.
"That is clearly so fake. Just look at it. Falsehood!" Logan yells
"Logan, calm your yourself. It is just a movie."
"I know, but I don't know. It is just stupid."
"Get out of my house!"
"Oh okay?" I see Logan get up
"Logan I was joking."
"Oh. So I can stay."
"Yeah. Just don't call this movie stupid. It is amazing."
We finish the movie as Roman and Patton walk into the living room.
"I am telling you I won! Roman yelled
"It was just a game." Patton says to him.
"What happend?" I ask
"Roman was playing a game with a stranger and the person cheated."
"I see. Ro it was just a game."
"I know." Roman says
"Come here." I say as I open my arms showing him to come to me. He walk over to me and I hug him.
"You okay?"
"You sure?"
"Yeah. Hey what were you and Logan doing?"
"Oh we just watched Nightmare on Elm street."
"Isn't that a scary movie." Patton says
"Yeah. But don't worry I will protect you love." Logan says
"I love you."
"I love you too." Logan says as he kisses Patton
"They are so cute together." I tell Roman
"I know right."

Skip Time
"Well thanks for the amazing time." Patton says as they walk out of the door.
"Bye!" Roman and I yells to them
"Bye!" They yells back
We close the door.
"What shall we do now."
"We could move your stuff into my room."
"I thought I was getting your mom's room."
"Fine don't sleep in my room."
"Fine, is that all I get?"
"Yup. That bed is more comfortable anyway."
"So, you want to help me get my stuff in that room."
"I guess."
We go into my room first. I hope the door and it looks amazing. It looks the same but with Romans stuff in it too. I close the door to kiss him. But there is stuff painted on the door. It is a Galaxy with V. M. And R. C. on it in a heart.
"Omg this is amazing."
"Yeah Patton and I weren't playing video games."
"You like it?"
"Yeah." I kiss him on the lips. He kisses me back and wraps his hands around my waist and pulls me closer. I put my arms around his neck. I pushes me onto the wall.
"I love you."
"I love you too Ro."
We hear a knock on the door. We look at each other then we walk out of the bedroom. We open the door and...

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