Chapter 33 - Movies

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Virgils POV
The past 2 months has been amazing. Logan and I are getting closer. Roman and Patton are still dating but we are all good friends like before. It is almost Christmas yeah.

Logan's POV
It is almost Christmas. I am so excited. Halloween was so fun with Virgil. I hope Christmas will be fun too.

Patton POV
It is almost Christmas. My first Christmas with Roman! I want to get him the best present ever.

Romans POV
It is almost the best time if the year. I have to get Patton the best present ever.

Virgils POV
I get a phone call from Patton. I answer.

Virgil: Hi
Roman: Hi Virgil
Logan: Hello Virge
Patton: Okay now that we are all on the call. You guys all need to come to my house.
Roman: Okay. I am already here.
Logan: Okay Virgil can you give me a ride.
Virgil: Yeah I will be there in 5.
I hang up.
I get my hoodie and I head to Logan's. I get there and he was in my hoodie. I smile.
"Thanks for the ride."
"I love your hoodie."
"Yeah. Thanks for giving it to me."
"Well I didn't give it to you. You more of you never gave it back."
"Well it is mine now Bitch."
I smile.
"Lets go."
We drive to Pattons. We get out and walk up to the door.
*knock knock*
"Come in." Patton yells
Logan opens the door and we walk in. The house was full of Christmas Decorations.
"Okay guys sit down." Roman says
"What is go-" Logan says
"Guess lets do a secret Santa!" Patton yells
"Sure." Roman says
"Okay." I say
"Lets do it." Logan says
"Okay, I put your names in a this hat. Lets draw."
We all gather around and draw names.
I get Roman. Great.
"Okay now don't tell anyone who you got."
"Okay." We all say
"Okay you guys can go home now." Roman says
"Logan did you want to stay?" I ask
"If we can." Logan says
"You guys can!" Patton says
"Hey lets watch a Christmas movie." Roman says
"Okay. What are we going to watch?" I ask
"The Grinch who stole Christmas?" Patton asks
"Okay." We all say
"I will make popcorn and Hot Coco." Patton says
"Let me help you." I say
We watch into the kitchen. I have helped Patton make popcorn so many times I new exactly where the popcorn was.
"Um 3 butter 1 no butter?"
"Okay I will get that." I say
I make the popcorn and put it in bowls. I go into the fridge and get m&ms, chocolate syrup, marshmallows, and caramel. I put m&ms in one bowl, caramel in 1, and chocolate syrup in another. I also put Marshmallows in another. Patton got the chocolate syrup with no butter, Roman got the marshmallows and butter. Logan got the Caramel and butter, and I got the m&ms and butter. I walk out and give everyone there popcorn. It seemed like Roman and Logan were talking then the just stopped.
"Hey Virgil can you give me a hand with the hot coco?" Patton asks
I walk about in there and help him.
"Thank you."
"Its fine." I say
I take 2 cups. I give one to Logan and keep on to myself. Roman and Patton had there own couch and Logan and I had our own.
"I will start it." Roman says as he plays the movie.
Patton and Roman cuddled on the couch and Logan and I cuddled also.
"This popcorn is amazing." Logan says
"Hey can I have some of yours?" He asks
"Sure." I move the bowl toward him. He grabs some popcorn and kisses my head. I blushed and cuddled into him and the blanket more. Before we know it the movie was over.
"That was a good movie." I say
"Yeah." Roman says
"Hey Virgil I think we should get going." Logan says
I look at the time it was 4:28pm.
"Yeah." I say
I get up and take all the cups and bowls to the kitchen and put them in the sink. I turn around and seen Patton and Roman kiss. I smiled.
"Aww you guys are so cute together." I say
"Thanks." They say together after they pull away.
"Well see you guys soon." I say as I was making my way to the door.
"Bye." Logan says
We walk out of the house and to my car.
"Do you want to go to the mall and go Christmas presents?" I ask
"Yeah lets go."
I drive to the mall. We both get out of the car.
"Okay. Lets go." Logan says
We go into the mall and get over gifts for the others. We also get some food. We pay and leave.
"That was fun." I say
"Yeah. Lets go home and wrap the presents." Logan says
"Wait lets go get some Chinese food." I say
"Why?" Logan asks
"Because I want some Chinese food."
"We can get into delivered to the house."
"Okay then we shall do that." I say "As long as I get my Chinese."
Logan laughs
"Lets go home."
I drive us back home. When we get home Logan orders us our Chinese.
"You know. I never had a Christmas." I say
"Yeah. My parents never bought me any Christmas presents and we never really did anything."
"Okay. We are getting a tree and we are going to have Patton, Roman, Thomas, and Remy come over on Christmas day."
"Okay fine. Lets go get a tree."
"We have an extra fake tree at home. It all ready has lights on it." Logan says
"Okay. Then after I get my Chinese food we can go to your house and get the tree."
"Lets put the food away while we wait on the Chinese." I say
Logan and I put away the food and as soon as we finish putting it away the food comes.
"I will get it." Logan says
Logan gets the food and we sit on the couch and eat our food silently.
"That was amazing." I say
"Yeah it was good." Logan says
"And to your house we go." I say
We go back into my car and go to Logan's. His mom and I are good friends. We had Thanksgiving together since I didn't have anywhere to go. I found out she is actually Pansexual.
We walk into Logan's house.
"Hi mom." Logan says
"Hi Mom." I say after him
"Hi boys. Wait I have someone I want you to meet." Logan's mom says
"Hi guys." A girl says that is next to Logan's mom. I look down and they were holding hands.
"Omg I am so happy for you." I say
"Omg mom. Hi I am Logan. This is Virgil my bo-best friend." He says as he shakes her hand.
"Hi I am Max." She says. "I am Trans gender. Male to Female." She says
"Omg could have found a better person." I say
"I know. I got lucky." Logan's mom says as she kisses her girl friend.
"Well we are getting the tree and we will be on our way." Logan says
"Okay. Oh Logan. Um, I am going to see Max's parents tomorrow so I won't be here for Christmas."
"Oh. Well. Okay." Logan says
"Lets go get the tree." I say
Logan and I get the tree and put it into the car. Thank God it is in a box. We drive back to my house.
"Lets put the tree together." Logan says
We take the tree and bring it inside. We put it in the living room. We put it together and light up the tree.
"This Chirstmas is going to be amazing." Logan says

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