Chapter 11 - The store

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Virgils POV
I wake up from the sun beating down on my face. I look at the time. 6 in the morning. Today was Saturday. I had nothing to do. I throw on a black hoodie and some ripped jeans and go to my kitchen and I look for some food. We have nothing that is good. The milk was expired, the cheese was moldy, and that was everything that was in the fridge. I look in the pantry. We have bread. Oh wait that is moldy too. We have nothing in this house. But stores don't open till 9.
"Ugh I need something to do. Oh I can clean, because we didn't finish unpacking."
I start in my room. I put some music on and start putting all my clothes into my closet. I move my mattress and build my bed frame. I put my mattress back on my bed. I fix my nightstand and my TV stand. I put up my tapestry above my bed then put lights around it. I put my hanging chair up next to my window.
"Done with his room."
I move on with my room to the Bathroom. I put all the stuff where is should go. Then I move with on with that. I go to the living room. I fix the couch and the tv stand.
"I think I am done with this room."
I go to my kitchen and put everything where it needs to be. And I throw all the boxes into a pile and take them outside.
"Now with my moms room."
I walk in there. Everything was all ready unpacked. I seen a few boxes and I put all of her clothes into the boxes.
"When I go to the store I will donate these."
It was 9:18. I grab the boxes and some money. I get into my black 1967 Chevy impala car that I was my moms. I put the boxes next to me and I take them to the donation place. I drop them off then go to the store.

Romans POV
I wake up in a new bed. I remembered I was at Pattons. I look over to see that it was 8:52 and that Patton was gone. I walk down stairs.
"Hey Roman!" Patton said
"Want some pancakes."
"Sure. Thank you again for letting me stay here."
"Your welcome, it is the least we can do. Oh also we have a guest room. We were wondering if you wanted to take it. And move in with us."
"You guys really wanna adopt another kid."
"Hey long as your safe."
"Roman do you wanna go to the store with me."
"Sure Pat, just let me get dressed then i will be ready."
I finish my food and go upstairs. I put on a red hoodie and white ripped jeans.
"I am ready."
Patton drives us to the store. We are very silent the way there.
"Here!" The bubbly kid said
"Sweet what do we need here Pat?"
"Anything you want. I guess. We have $200 to spend."
"Wow, thank you."
I walk into the store with Patton. We both get a basket. I walk over to the snack place.
"Um, excuse me Mr. May I get something." I tell the stranger in the black hoodie. They turn around.
"Virgil! Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I am sorry about last night. It was all my fault." Virgil says as he looks to the ground.
"Virgil it wasn't your fault. It was mine. I shouldn't have done what I did?"
"Did you get in trouble."
"Well... My mom kicked me out too. She told me I wasn't her son and I drove over to Pattons."
"Why didn't you come to my house?"
"I didn't think you would want to see me."
"Nah it would have been okay. You are welcome anytime."

Pattons POV
I walk into the store with Roman and I head to the frozen food. I open the freezer and try to get the hot pockets but I was to short. Then someone came up to me.
"Do you need any help?" They ask
"Um yeah, can you help me grab the four cheese hot pockets." I say while look at the hot pockets. They grab them.
"These were always my favourite." They tell me. I look up at them.
"Thank you for getting them."
"It wasn't a problem. I just seen an adorable guy needing help so I helped."
"Awww, you think I am adorable." I blush
"Yeah." Logan blushes too.
"Hey do you wanna come to my house after you get done shopping?"
"Yeah sure pat."

Virgils POV
''Hey Roman. Did you wanna come over to my house when you get done shopping?"
"Yeah sure Virge."

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