Chapter 21 - Drugged and afraid

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T/W: Drugs and Kidnapping.

Virgil's POV
I wake up from my nightmare. Same one as the night before. When will they stop! I realize what happened last night. I feel fine. Everything feels great. Maybe I didn't have food poisoning. Maybe it was just not agreeing with something. I see Roman isn't on the bed. I try to get up. I fall into my legs. What is wrong with me. I feel drugged. Omg did that guy drug me last night.
"Virgil. You are awake." I hear someone say.
"Yeah." I look up to see the waiter from last night.
"Now Virgil don't worry I will have you with your friends in an hour. It is 5 in the morning."
"Who are you?"
"Oh I am James. Here let me help you to the bed."
"Don't touch me."
Where am I. I knew it looked different but I didn't pay attention. I try to get up but I fall back down.
"Help me." I say. James helps me onto the bed.
"What do you want with me." I ask
"Shouldn't you be asking what did I do to you." He says
"Answer both questions."
"I drugged you. Why. Because I wanted to have some... Fun. How did I find you. I followed you."
"What do you mean fun?"
"Why don't you wait and see."
"I should go back to my place." I try to get up but James pushes me on the bed. He kisses me on the lips.
"Fine then go." He says as he smiles. He kisses my neck and he pins my arms to the bed with his hands.
"Now we aren't going to have a problem now are we?" He says.
I knee him where the sun don't shine. He falls into the floor. I try to leave. I hold onto the stuff in his room. I see a bag with my hotel key and phone in it. I grab it and I leave. I build the strength to walk into an alley. I call Roman.  He picks up.

"Virgil? Where are you?"
"Help. Wake up the others we need to leave. Get the stuff together. I will be at the Yellow Bud Cafe. Hurry."
"Okay. I will hurry."
I hang up. I get a cab.
"Hello. Can you take me to the Yellow Bud Cafe."
They take me there. I pay them. I sit down at a table.
"Hello what can I get you."
"Does a James work here?"
"Yeah why?"
"I came here with my friends last time. And he drugged me and then kidnapped me."
"Oh no."
"Also may I get a donut and Vanilla Milkshake."
"Yes. This will be on the house."
They get me my drink and donut. I eat it and wait on Roman. I see James walking outside. I run to the bathroom. I here him say.
"Hello Crystal where did he go?"
What is going on. Text Roman

Me: Hurry.
Roman: We are here.

I run out of the bathroom. James pins me to the wall.
"I see you want to make this hard."
Roman walks in.
"Get off him!"
"He is mine now."
"He is not." I feel myself about to break down. Roman punches the dude and we run out the door after I grab my stuff.
"Who was that." He asks
I stay quiet. I feel ashamed. We get into the car. I sit in the far back away from everyone. Logan is driving. Roman sits in the spinny chair next to Patton who was in front of me.
"Is everyone okay?" Logan asks as he drives off.
I don't answer. I start to shake. Anxiety am I right. I do nothing about it. I feel my phone go off.

James 😘: Hey babe.
Me: What do you want.
James 😘: I want you.
Me: Why. How did you get my number.
James😘: Your finger print opens your phone. And your number was in your phone case. I also put my number into your phone.
Me: I see.

James 😘 has been blocked

"Do you want to talk about what happened Virgil?" Roman asks
"I woke up and I seen you weren't in the room. I got up to find you. But I fell onto the ground. He told me his name was James. And he drugged me. I didn't have food poisoning. He was the waiter from last night."
"What did he want?"
"He probably thought I wasn't taken and wanted to take advantage of me."
"Why would you think that?"
"Um, he tried you kiss me."
"Oh. Virgil you should get sleep."
I was scared to sleep. I was scared to do anything. But I fell asleep."

I wake up from my dream. Same dream as before. I see we are almost at a gas station. I sit up. Roman and Patton are asleep.
"You are up." Logan says
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah. I think so. I feel fine?"
"Okay. Are you still having the same dreams."
I freeze at the question.
"Yeah. I feel as if they will never stop."
"They will. You should tell Roman. I told Patton about my parents."
"How did that go?"
"He hugged me and told me I could stay with him forever."
"Come on we need to get some gas."
Logan and I get gas and go inside. We both get a coffee. I get a bag of chips and 2 candy bars. He gets chips too. He gets Patton a orange Fanta soda and some cookies. I get Roman some cookies too and Root beer. We pay for the stuff and we leave. I drove this time. I didn't play music because everyone was sleeping or about to. Roman was next to me. We were holding hands as he fell asleep. And Logan and Patton were sleeping in the back.

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