Chapter 18 - Road trip

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T/W - Bullying, homophobe, and some other stuff.

Virgil's POV
Everything was the same. Everything happened the same in my dream expect Logan was there. And when he was supposed to kiss me but get killed. He kissed me. Rose petals fell from the sky. But my father still killed Roman. Because when we pulled away it was Roman who was there.

I wake up. I see Roman still sleeping. It was Monday. We had to get to Florida today. I wake Roman up and we get ready. We head over to Patton's.
"Hey kiddos" Patton says
"Hello." Logan says
"Hi." Roman and I say at the same time.
We say goodbye to Thomas and Remy and we get on to the road. Thomas and Remy were going to fly there.
Logan driver for the first hour.
"Hey let's play a game." Patton says
"Okay." Roman says
"What are we going to play?"
"Never have I ever."
"Okay." We all say
"I will go first." Patton sags
"Never have I ever been in an aircraft."
"I have not." Logan says
"I have." Roman says "family vacation."
"I have not." I say.
"I got one. Never have I ever been to the 4 corners." Logan says
"Never." We all say together.
"Never have I ever worn contacts." Roman says
"Never." Patton says
"I have." Logan says
"Never." I say
"Never have I ever, skipped sc- no I have, shop li- no don't that. Um, never have I ever been to a concert."
"I have. Taylor Swift." Roman says
"I have." Logan says
"I have. Logan and I went to a fall out Boy concert."
"Really I am the only one who hasn't been to one."
"I guess so." Patton says
We keep playing never have I ever. Then we stop at a gas station. We all get some food and drinks. Now it was Romans turn to drive. Patton sat up next to Roman. I sat behind Ro. And Logan sat behind Patton. I get a text from someone.
Logan: Do you still have those dreams?
I look at him then nod my head.
Logan: Are they getting better?
Me: No.
Logan: Did you want to talk about it?
Me: Not right now
Me: How about your Parents, have you told Patton?
Logan: Not yet.
Me: okay is there anything else you wanted to talk about?
Logan: Not really. I think i am going to sleep
Me: All ready ahead of you.
I move my seat around and down and move over to my side and lay there. Logan does the same. We are looking at each other. I see him smile. I smile back at him. He blushes

Logan's POV
He is so hot. I want to kiss him. No I am with Patton. Patton is my Boy Friend. I see Virgil go to sleep. He is so cute when he sleeps. I fall asleep too.

Virgils POV

Logan and I are on a hill with endless amount of land. Laying down and relaxing.
"Virgil, I love you."
"I love you too Logan." I say back. I kisses me. Then everything goes dark. I open my eyes and I am in a black room. I look around I don't see anyone. But I here laughter. I recognise the laughter. It was Roman, Patton, and Logan. I feel people kicking me.
"You fool." I hear someone say
"Go kill yourself."
"Die already."
Then someone says. "Virgil, they don't love you. They are using you."
Everything is back to normal. Roman and I are at the movies. Then he kills Roman. Then he says "You sinner. Go to hell. Do what your friends told you too. Go die. Unlike me you are going to he'll with all the other gays."

I wake up.
"Virgil are you okay?" Logan says with his eyes. I pull out my phone.

Me: I am fine
Logan: Did you have that dream again?
Me: Why do you care.

I turn my chair around and sit it back up. I hear Roman and Patton talking about puppies. I pull my headphones out of my bag and put them into my phone.

Mama take this badge from me
I can't use it anymore
It's getting dark too dark to see
Feels like I'm knockin' on heaven's door

Plays from my headphones

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