Chapter 20 - Yellow Bud Cafe

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T/W - Throwing up.

Romans POV
Virgil and I have our own room and Logan and Patton have there's.
"Virge." I say as I am lying on our bed.
"Can I have my candy bar?"
"Why don't you get up and get it."
"Because... You love me."
He grabs the candy bar.
"And that I do." He says as he kisses me.
"But you are going to have to work for the candy bar."
He puts the candy bar out of my reach. I try to grab it.
"Virgil. I want my candy bar." I sit up. Virgil stands on the bed.
"Well then come get it."
I try and grab it then I grab his waist and pull him down. Not hurting him. He kneels in front of me. I kiss him on the lips. He kisses me back. I pull him closer to me and I grab my candy bar. And pull away
"And this is mine." I say
He puts his hand on his chest.
"Ouch. Did you... Just use me?" He asks
"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. But I still love you." I say
"Okay no more cheesy stuff lets watch a movie." Virgil says and he grabs Alice and the Wonder Land from the nightstand.
"Okay." I say
He puts in the movie and we cuddle up and watch it. Then the movie is over.
"That was a great movie." I say
"Roman. You do know that movie is about taking drugs right?"
I look at him. I think for a minute.
"OMG! I never thought about it like that!" I yell. Virgil giggles.
"What's so funny Hot Topic."
"Aww you think I am hot."
"Of course I do. We are dating."
"You are only dating me because I am hot! How rude." He says as he giggle.
"I love you for you." I say
"I love you too."
"Omg it is 2 in the morning!" I say
"What really!" Virgil yells as he looks at the clock.
"It is not." He says as he punches me in a friendly way.
"Okay fine it is only 12."
"What are we going to go?"
"Omg we could take a picture on my camera to remember our first road trip!"
"We could, if we went on a road trip for the fun of it. But we aren't. I don't think I want a picture to remember my moms funeral."
"Oh I am sorry. Hey lets see if Logan and Patton are up and we can go get milkshakes and cookies at Yellow Bud Cafe."
"Nah, how about we just go." Virgil says
We walk down to the cafe. My hand in his. We walk in and get seated.
"Hello what may I get for you today?" The waiter asks as he gives us 2 menus
"My I get a strawberry milkshake?" I ask
"And I want a vanilla Milkshake." Virgil says. The waiter walks away.
"Wow so original Virge."
"I know I am." He says as he smiles.
"What are you going to get Virge?"
"I don't I think I am getting a chocolate pie and 2 cookies." Virgil says.
"Okay, I am getting 3 cookies and a slice of White Cake."
"Okay. Should we get 2 boxes of donuts and 2 boxes of cookies too?" Virgil asks.
"Why not."
"Hello do you know what you want to eat yet?" The waiter asks as he gives us our milkshakes.
"Um yes I want 3 sugar cookies and a slice of White cake."
"Okay and you sir?" The asks Virgil
"May I get a chocolate pie and 2 iced cookies?"
"Do you want a slice, half, or whole pie?" He asks Virgil.
"Okay that will be out in a few minutes.
"I am so excited to eat."
"Yeah I guess." Virgil says.
"Is something wrong?" I ask him
"Nah. I just don't understand why you should get so worked up over food."
"Because I am starving." I say
"Oh. Okay I understand now."
"How is your milk shake?" He asks me
"Amazing, how about yours."
"It is great."
The waiter comes back with our food. Then he leaves again.
"How is your cake?"
"Amazing. Your pie?"
"Great. This was worth the wait. These cookies are good too."
"I know right. We should take Logan and Patton here sometime."
"Look who just walked in." Virgil says. I turn around and see Patton and Logan walk in.
"Hi guys." They come over to us. I sit next to Virgil so they can sit on the other side.
"Hey guys what you doing here?" Logan asks us.
"Eating. What else would we be doing?" Virgil asks.
"Hey you guys should get the milkshakes." I say
"We will."
They order there food. Logan got a Chocolate milk shake and 3 donuts and a brownie. Patton got a Carmel milkshake and 3 double chocolate cookies and 4 pancakes. They get there food.
"This is amazing." Patton says.
"Yes it is." Logan says after him.
We talk for a bit and finish our food. We all go back to the hotel and go to our room.
"Hey Virgil. To night was great."
"Yes it was." He says. Then a he looks really pale.
"Virgil are you okay?"
"No." He runs to the bathroom. I get a cup of water and go into the bathroom with him.
"I don't feel well at all." He says as he leans against the wall on the floor holding his stomach.
"Do you this it was the food?"
"Well saying how fast this happened. I think i have food poisoning."
"I am calling Patton and Logan to see if they are okay."

I call Patton.
"Hi kiddo."
"Is everyone okay over there?"
"Yeah why?"
"Um we think Virgil might have food poisoning."
"Oh no. We will be right over."
"I don't think he wants visitors."
I look at him and he is throwing up into the toilet.
"I will let you go now."
"Okay bye kiddo."
I hang up and head towards Virgil.
"Virge. Let's get you on the bed."
"Okay." I help him up. "You are going to be okay."
"I know. I should try to get some rest now." I lay him on the bed and get a trash can and put it next to him. I cover him up and I was about to lay down on the couch to sleep.
"Roman. No you are fine please sleep in the bed."
"No Virgil I will sleep on the couch."

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