Chapter 4 - The Fight

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T/W - Fighting, Language


Max looks for Virgil. He finds him coming out of the office.

"Yo Virgil are you going to sit with us again?" Max asks
"Um yeah."
"Sweet I will tell the others."
Patton walks up to Virgil.
"Hey Virgil."
"Hey, Patton."
"Are you sitting with us or with Roman today?"
"Um... I told Max I would sit with them. I am sorry."
"Oh it is okay. I get it."
"Are you sure, because I can sit with you guys instead."
"No sit with them."
Virgil gets his food, and sits down next to Roman.
"Hey Virgil."
"Hi Roman."
"Hey Max was just telling me he seen you walk out of the office. Why were you in there?" Seth questions
Virgil looks at Roman. Then to the group. He looks a little upset.
"The police wanted to ask me about my home life and family. You know because of my parents."
"Oh I see." Max stated.
Virgil gets up to go to the bathroom.

Meanwhile, with Patton and Logan
"Pat what is wrong. You aren't eating."
"I'm not hungry."
"You didn't grab a cookie. What is going on Patton."
"Do you think Virgil hates us."
"Patton, why would you think that."
"Because he seems like he hates me. He doesn't want to talk. He doesn't wanna sit with us."
Patton starts to cry. Logan grabs Pattons hand.
"Patton he doesnt hate you. Or us."
"Are you sure."
"Yes I am."
"Okay. Thanks."
"Patton, I need to go do something really quickly."
Logan goes over to Virgil.
Virgil turns around.
Logan punches Virgil in the stomach.
"That's for making Patton upset."
Virgil is confused. But before he could say anything Logan started talking.
"Don't act stupid you a**."
Logan picks Virgil up and throws him onto the ground. Logan gets on top of Virgil and starts punching him. Everyone takes out there phone and videos this. Virgil try to push Logan off but he can't. Logan sees Patton running.
"Get off of him you b****!!!" Roman yells as he takes Logan off of Virgil.
"What is wrong with you Logan."
Logan runs to Patton. Roman goes to Virgil.
"Virge are you okay."
"I I I want to go home."
"We will take you home. But we need to take you to the office first."
Roman picks Virgil up bridel style.

As Roman carrys Virgil to the office
"Roman do you know what that was about?"
"He said something about upsetting Patton?"
"I didn't do anything to Patton. He asked if I wanted to sit with him. But I told him I already told Max I would sit with you guys."
"Virge, Patton is a very sensitive guy."
"Oh I didn't know. Roman. Will I be in trouble for this."
"I don't think so. But we are here"
Roman puts Virgil down and opens the door.
"Miss. Bell may we talk Mr. Keller?"
"Yes he is in his office right now."
"Mr. Keller, may we talk to you?"
"Yeah sure, come in."
They walk in. Roman helps Virgil to a chair. Roman sits in The other chair.
"Mr. Charming what happend?"
"Um Mr. Keller. We were sitting down eating lunch. Then Logan came up and started to hit him."
"Was anyone else involved Virgil?"
"Did you hit him?"
"Are there any witnesses?"
"I couldn't see anything. I blacked out when he slammed me to the ground."
"Mr. Keller, every one in first lunch was there watching and or videoing."
"Okay thank you. We will talk to Logan. You guys are free to go."
"We were wondering if we could. Go home."
"Well, I guess you guys can."
"Thank you Mr. Keller." Virgil says
"No problem."
They walk out of the office.

On there way home
"Wanna get some ice cream Roman."
"Yeah I do."
They get to the ice cream shop.
"Hey Roman. You should be in school right now?"
"Hey Mr. Loud."
"Yeah, something happened."
"Know what, Ice cream is on me for the rest of the week."
"Oh you don't have to." Virgil says
"No it is the least I can do."
"Okay. Um can we get-"
"2 cookies and cream." Mr. Loud says
He hands them there ice cream.
"Thank you." Roman and Virgil says
They walk to Romans house.
"Hey you want to go to my house?"
"Do you want to go to your house?"
"Yeah I wanna grab some stuff."
They walk to Virgil's house which is 2 houses down from Roman.
"Here we are."
"Oh so your the family that lives here."
They walk into the house and go to Virgil's room.
"Hey can I have that box."
Roman gives Virgil the box. Virgil puts in on the ground. Virgil takes some black ripped jeans, some purple and black hoodies, he takes his phone charger, ear buds and headphones. He also grabs a stuffed giraffe and some colored lights. He throws it all into the box. Then he runs to his moms room and takes some money.
"Okay let's go."

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