Chapter 23 - John

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Patton's POV
Virgil and Roman come into Logan and I's hotel room.
"Hey guys." Roman says
"Hey kiddos. They will be here in about 2 minutes."
"Sweet." Virgil says as he plops down on our couch.
"Make yourselves at home." Logan says
"I am so excited to see Dad and Papa." I say as I hug Logan.
"Wow, I was never that exited to see my parents." Virgil says
We all say nothing. Then someone walks into the hotel room.
"What's up babes!" Dad says
"Dad!" I say as I hug him. "Papa!" I hug papa after.
"Hi Remy, hi Thomas." Roman says
"Hello Remy and Thomas." Logan says
Virgil doesn't say anything. He just sits there.
"We have something for you guys." Thomas says as he pulls out 2 boxes of donuts from Yellow Bud Cafe.
"Thank you!" I say as I grab the boxes.
"Virgil." Roman says. I look at him. He is cuddled up in Romans arms.
"Thank you for the donuts." Logan says
"It wasnt a big deal. The plane got cancelled so we drove." Remy says
"You should have told us."
"No we didn't want to bother you." Thomas says
"Yeah. It was really weird at Yellow Bud. This guy was getting arrested for kidnapping and for drugging someone." Remy says.
I look over at Virgil and I see he is shaking.
"Did I say something wrong?" Remy says.
Logan and I take them outside.
"What happened?" Thomas says.
"Virgil has had a hard few days. He was the one who got drugged and kidnapped." Logan says
"Oh no." Remy says
"Do you know why that happend." Thomas asks
"The guy. He drugged Virge and tried to take advantage of him. But Virgil got away." Logan says
"He is getting what came for him." Remy says
"Don't say anything about it. I dont think he is over it really." I say.
"Lets go back inside." Logan says.
We walk inside. Roman and Virgil were making out.
"I think he is over it now." Logan says
I giggle.
"Omg i am so sorry." Roman says while blushing.
"I guess it is okay." I say
"Lets get to our hotel room babe." Remy says.
Thomas and Remy go to there hotel room.
"We should go to." Roman says.
They go to there hotel room also.
"Logan do you realize that Virgil didn't say anything the whole time my dads were here?"
"No I didn't. I hope he is okay."
"I hope so too."
I kiss Logan on the lips. He smiles then kisses me back. He pulls me closer to him. I put my arms around his neck. He carrys me to the bed.

Virgils POV
I didnt want to say anything. I was afraid I would cry again. I am glad that asshole James is in jail.
"Virgil. Are you okay?"
"Yeah. Did you call the cops on him?"
"Logan did."
"You didn't say anything the whole time Remy and Thomas were there."
"I didn't want to say anything."
"Are you sure your okay?"
"Yeah I am fine. Hey look at the time it is 8pm."
"Do you want leftover Pizza Virge?"
Roman makes us pizza. We sit on the couch and eat.
"This is great."
"Yeah." I say as I stuff my face full of pizza.
"Are you hungry?"
"Maybe. Hey do you want a soda from the vending machine outside?"
"Root beer or coke?"
"Root beer."
I put my plate down and I go outside. I get 2 rootbeers.
"Hey." I hear someone say. I don't say anything back. I didn't know if they were talk to me or not.
"Virgil." I turn around.
"What are you doing here?"
"Um, family reunion."
"Oh fun. Hey do you want a beer?"
"Nah. I don't I need to get back to my room."
"Oh come on Virge. Here have one."
"I said No!" I yells and walk back into my room quickly hearing him yell to come back.
"What happened?" Roman asks.
"A person from my old school he talked to me."
"Oh can I talk to him." Roman says as he walks outside.
"Roman you really don't-"
"Is that him?" He asks.
"Yeah." I can't stop Roman. He walks up to John.
"Hey do you want to come in to my hotel room?" Roman asks him
They both walk into our room. I sit on my bed.
"Hi John."
"Who is this." John asks.
"I am Roman, Virgils Boyfriend."
"I see you have gotten over me." John says.
Roman looks shocked.
"Roman. John is my ex from middle school."
"Oh. I see. So john tell me about Virgil."
"Oh he was a bad boy. He also didn't talk to anyone. He and I would go to the park and have a beer or two." John says
"Yeah and I have changed now. So you can leave." I snap
"Fine I shall go." John says. As he leaves.
"What Roman, he and I broke up for a reason."
"Oh I am sorry."
" I just want to go to sleep. Good night Roman."
"Goodnight Virgil."

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