Chapter 29 - Its a new day for a new chapter

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T/W - Fighting, Self Harm.

Pattons POV
I hear someone knock on the door. I open it and it was Roman.
"I told him. But he kicked me out."
"Oh. Well you can stay here."
Roman kisses me.
"It feels good to do that without Virgil being my boyfriend."
I blush.
"Lets get you moved in."
I help Roman get all of his stuff in my room.
"There." We say at the same time.
"Lets watch a movie together." I say.
We watch Beauty and the Beast. Roman and I were singing to it the hole time. Then at the very end I got on one knee and pulled out a box. In the box it a necklace with our names together Patman.
"Roman Charming with you be my boy friend." I say
"Yes!" He yells. "I love our ship name!" He says.
I put the necklace on him and I show him mine. We had the same necklace.

Virgils POV
I cant believe what just happend. Roman just broke up with me. I thought to we getting closer. I was going to ask him to go to the halloween party with me. I guess I am just not good enough. I go to my bedroom and try to go to sleep.

I wake up I look at the time 8:29pm. Ugh. I think I should make sure Roman got all of his stuff from my house. I look around and I gather everything he gave me and all the stuff he left behind. I put it in a box I found. I take my door off the door frame and take it outside. I find some black spray paint and spray paint the painting Patton and Roman put on the door. Then I put the door back. I sit down on my couch and watch a The Conjuring. Before I knew it I was asleep.

*beep beep beep!*
My alarm is going off. I turn it off. Its 6 in the morning and I have to go to school. Oh I have work today.
I get up and go to my room. I get a Twenty One Pilots t-shirt, Black ripped jeans, my hoodie, and some shoes. I go into the bathroom to do my makeup. I put on my primer, foundation, and I also put on some eyeliner. I comb my hair. I put on a choker for the he'll of it. I grab my bookbag, phone, and ear buds. I head out of the door and go on a run to the Cafe. Because I had nothing better to do. I seen that Logan was there. Great. I walk into the Cafe and go straight to the counter.
"Hello may I get a French Vanilla Latte."
They give it to me and I leave without Logan seeing me. I didn't want to talk to him, Roman, or Patton. I walk to the school with my coffee. I finally get there and I throw my drink away. I see Roman and Patton taking I avoid eye contact. I just want to finish today and go to work. I put my stuff away and then I feel someone push me against the lockers.
"Dont say anything." I hear then say. I couldn't see who it was. Next thing I know I was being pulled into the bathroom.
"You are going to react coming to this school you emo kid." I hear them say.
They punch me in the face and kick me in the stomach. I didn't say anything because a part of me thought I deserved this. I was laying on the floor with blood running from my mouth.
"I am done with you for now." He says then he leaves. I just lay there. I hear someone walk into the bathroom. They try to help me up.
"I am okay. Just leave me alone." I say
"Virgil its me Logan. You need to go to the nurses office."
"Why. I should just die here."
Logan carrys me to the nurses office.
"Omg what happend?" The nurse asks
"I found him like this in the bathroom."
"Okay lets get you all cleabed up." She says.
She washes my cuts.
"Thanks." I say
"Its nothing." She says.
Logan had to go to class.
"Okay. I am going to send you back to class and I will have Mr. Kelly talk to you about the bully." She says
"Thank you."
I get up and I go to thr bathroom before I head to class. I look at myself in the mirror. My face was a bit beaten up and my arm shoulder hurt from getting rammed into the lockers. I go into a stall and I here people walk into the bathroom.
"I am so happy for you and Patton." I here someone say.
"Thank you max. He gave me this necklace. Look it us our ship name. I love it so much." Roman says
"Okay lets get back to class." Max says
They both leave.
"I am glad they are happy without me." I say quietly.
I go to my locker and get my stuff for class. I head to class.


The best time of the day am I right. I get my food and sit down by myself. I quickly eat and I go to my locker and sit infront of it. I listen to some music and chill there. I hear the bell ring and I got my stuff and went to class. I had this class with Roman. I sit in the very back and take my notes. The teacher gets a phone call.
"Virgil the Principal needs you."
Great the call I was dreading. I take my stuff and walk to the Principals office.
"Hello Virgil. Please sit." He says as I walk in. I see Logan was there too. Just great.
"Virgil we are here to talk about what happened. We pulled up the security cameras. We see someone pinned you to the lockers and pulled you into the bathroom and hit you. Is this right?"
"Did you see who it was?"
"Are you sure?"
"Okay you two may go now."
I leave before Logan. I rush to my class but Logan catches up to me before I could get there.
"What Logan. What do you want." I say
"Are you okay."
"I'm fine. Just stop worring about me." I say as I go into my class.
The day is over and I have to walk to my house. I start to walk there and I see Roman and Patton making out. I keep walking and I arrive to my house. I just need to go to work.
I eat some food and finish my homework. I get into my moms car and drive to work.
"Hello I am Virgil."
"Yeah you are working the snacks right?"
He shows me how to do everything. And I get ready. At first it is really boring but then things got interesting. All the football players came in with there partners. Including Patton and Roman.
"Hello can we get 10 bags of popcorn. Buttered, 3 root beers, 9 Cokes, 2 Orange sodas, and 6 skis." Max says
I get all there food ready.
"Will that be all?" I ask.
"Can we also have 10 hersey bars. All cookie and creams and 3 herseys bars."
"Yes." I get them there food.
"What will be $28.50." I say
"Okay." Max says.
They give me there money and leave.
During the movie Roman comes out to get more food.
"2 popcorn, 2 Orange sodas, and 3 herseys cookies and cream, and the gummy life savers." He say
I give him the food. "So your going to act like nothing happened?"
"Yes because nothing did." He says.
"That will be $9."
He gives me the money and leaves.
The movie is over and everyone leaves. Then the manager comes.
"Virgil your shift is over."
"Okay thanks."
I get in my car and leave. I get to my house and I  go to my room and lay on my bed. I start to cry.
"Why is this happening. I should just die." I say
I go under my bed and cut myself again. Then I wrap my wrist up. I fall asleep.

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