Chapter 5 - The Fort

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Romans house

"Thank you for taking care of me." Virgil tells Roman as they enter Romans room.
"It's the least I can do."
"Well you really don't have to, we just met yesterday. I ran into you."
"Virgil it is okay, everything is okay."
"Are you sure, Because I can stay at my house."
"No. You are more than welcome to sleep here for a few weeks."
"Hey do you wanna make a fort?" Roman asks Virgil
"Sweet. I will get the blankets."
"I will get pillows."
Virgil gets a bag and puts as many pillows as he can find and put into the bag. Then he drags it upstairs. Roman takes blankets from a closet near his room, and all the blankets from his room.
"Throw them into the middle of the floor."
Roman makes the fort, and Virgil helps as much as he can.
"Done!" Roman yells
"Lets go in."
"Wait let me get something." Virgil says as he runs to his box. He grabs some lights.
"Here lets put these in."
They both hang up the lights.
"This is the best fort I have ever been in." Roman says with excitement
"This is the only fort I have been in."
"No it is okay." Virgil says
"Hey let me grab something."
Roman gets out of the fort and gets his Polaroid camera.
"Lets take a picture."
Virgil puts his arm up and makes a peace sign with his finger. Then he makes a winky face. Roman puts his arm around Virgil and smile while he looks down at Virgil. They take a picture. Then Roman takes another while looking into the camera.
"This one is for you."
"Thank you Roman."
"No problem. Hey wanna do something really fun."

hat do you have in mind."
Roman smiles at Virgil. Then he runs out of the fort and grabs some makeup.
"What is that?" Virgil asks with a small smile
"Come on it will be fun."
Roman puts rainbow eyeshadow on Virgil. With a red lips and very fine cheek bones. Roman puts highlighter on him, and he puts a red choker on him.
"I am done."
"Can I look at myself?"
"No we will reveal at the same time."
"Okay. Well I am going to do your makeup now."
"I am so excited."
"I am sure you are."
Virgil puts primer, foundation, concealer, and bronzer on Roman. Then Virgil does his eyebrows, and he puts red to purple eyeshadow on his eyelids. Virgil then puts red lipstick on Roman.
"Wow, that took a long time."
"Well I had to do a good job."
"Lets go look at ourselfs."
"Wow you are good at this."
"Thanks, so are you Roman. I like the rainbow eyeshadow."
"I love this ombre from red to purple."
"We did great."
"Yeah we did. Hey wanna take a picture?"
They put the camera on a shelve and make it take 2 pictures in 10 seconds. Roman carrys Virgil bridle style. Virgil puts his arms around Romans neck. They both look at the camera.*flash* 3 seconds later *flash*
"That was fun." Virgil says with excitement
"Yeah it was."
They look at each other. They both smile and blush.
"Roman you home?" A lady yells
"Hurry take your makeup off." Roman says as he throws a makeup remover at Virgil. "Mom. Yeah I'm here."
"The school called me."
"About what?" Roman yells as Virgil and him run down stairs. Virgil stays behind Roman.
"Mr. Keller said there was a fight at school, and you were in it or something."
"No I was helping Virgil out. Logan came at him."
"Wait the soft and nerdy boy Logan. Came after who?"
Virgil steps out. Romans mom sees that he is all beat up.
"Hi." Virgil says softly
"Oh hi. I am Romans mom. I haven't seen you here before."
"Oh that is because I just moved here a few days ago. I started school yesterday. I live 2 houses down" Virgil says
"Roman honey may I talk to you?"
"Yeah sure mom."
Virgil goes an sits on the couch. Roman and his mom walks into the kitchen.
"Roman is that not the kid who's mom just died yesterday?"
"Yeah. He doesn't have any family that is alive, so I thought he could stay here."
"Roman, I guess he can. But not for a long time. He needs to go home. "
"Go back to your room. I am going to order a pizza what do you guys want."
"Hey Virge what kind of pizza do you want."
"Oh um... I'm not hungry."
"Okay. I want a cheese."
"Thank you mom for letting him stay."
"Its not a problem."
Roman and Virgil go back upstairs.
"That was a close one." Roman says
"Wait your mom doesn't know you have makeup."
"No she doesn't."
"How did you get it?"
"I bought it will my own money."
"That's cool."
"What did you spend your money on?"
"I never got money, unless my mom was drunk. Or my dad. Then they would give me like $20 to go to my room or something. But I did spend that on foundation and black eyeliner."
"Yo Roman! The pizza is here." Romans mom yelled
"Here let me go grab it."
Roman runs down stairs to get the pizza. Then he runs back upstairs with the pizza and slides into the fort.
"Now that's how you slide into the Dms."
Virgil giggles at that. Roman thinks: omg he is so cute when he giggles.
"So um how is the pizza Roman?"
"This one is good. If you want one you can take one, not like I bite."
"Nah, I am still not hungry."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes Roman I am sure I don't want any pizza."
"Okay. Do you want a soda."
"No not really. Do you want one, I can get you one if you want."
"No Virgil I can get my own."
"No let me. You are eating your pizza. Let me get you something to drink."
"Fine, I want a Dr. Pepper."
Virgil walks down stairs to get Roman his Dr. Pepper. He walks into the kitchen and opens the fridge. He grabs 2 Dr. Peppers. And walks back upstairs. Meanwhile Roman was eating pizza think about Virgil. Virgil is so cute and mysterious. Roman thinks to himself. Virgil walks in and puts the sodas on Romans dresser. Virgil runs and slides with One arm on his head and one on his side.
"Come here often?... Now that's how you side into the Dms."
Roman giggles.
"Yo Roman you have some pizza sauce some your face."
Roman wipes his face.
"Did I get it?"
"No um let me get it for you."
Virgil gets a napkin and puts one of his arms on Romans face softly. Then with the other hand he removed the pizza sauce. Then they both meet eye to eye. Roman blushes. Virgil blushes.
Virgil looks away. Roman looks down.
"Ugh I got to go to the bathroom." Virgil said to Roman.

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